GOP Senate Hopefuls In Ohio Scramble To Out-Trump Each Other

In 2008, Obama collected 69.5 million votes, against 60 million for McCain. That’s about 10 million votes above Kerry in 2004, and almost 20 million votes above Gore in 2000.

In 2012, Obama collected 66 million votes, against 61 million for Romney. That’s a meaningful drop, but it also implies that he kept the majority of his new voters from 2012. It also means that he kept the vast majority of the new Dem voters added since 2000.

If the GOP manages to continue turning out half or more of Trump’s new voters, they have a real shot at continuing to win elections. That shot depends on all of Joe Biden’s new voters failing to vote without Trump on the ballot, but it’s probably the only shot the Republicans have, electorally speaking. Trump did add 12 million votes to the party’s bottom line since 2016, after all. That just wasn’t enough to win when Joe Biden added 14.5 million to the Dems’ bottom line. If our new voters are stickier than Trump’s, the GOP is screwed.


And I’ve NEVER seen what he can do, even when summoned. :man_dancing:

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So he would have us believe that the gop members drive thru the neighborhoods to work and not their hoity toity suburbs to the expressways to work.

That’s rich.


It wouldn’t matter to a Republican. A few “Independent voters” might be shocked but that’s it.

Exactly the thought I had. For all we know, their neighborhoods have restrictions on yard signs. But the mere idea that yards signs are the equivalent of representation comparable to that of a state is ludicrous. It is clutching a straws that have zero impact. This is where they are at.


Perhaps they can get in shape by practicing with these

George got better, from time to time. Mad King Donald, I wouldn’t hold my breath.


If Tim Ryan is the nominee I think there’s a good chance Dems take this seat. While OH has been getting redder, Ryan seems very much of the Sherrod Brown mold that plays well there. Also, I have a feeling the GOP primary will basically come down to Mandel and Gym Jordan. Ohioans are used to voting against Mandel who just comes across as dweeb who really, really wants to be liked by the cool kids. Gym Jordan strikes me as too much of a hot mess to represent Ohio.

If Meghan Markle were white and everything played out basically as it has (obviously, without the racial aspect), the GOP would be defending her with every last breath. The only reason they’re on the side of the monarchy is because the monarchy is on the opposing side of a Black woman. It’s as though they wake up every day trying to figure out which is the wrong side of history and then rush to get there.


How about boats? Are they seeing any boats on their way to work?


No way is Gym Jordan running for that Senate seat. In the House, he’s ranking member of the judiciary committee, and can pretty much demand any committee assignment he wants. He’s got a real shot at being the next GOP Speaker of the House too. And he’s in a safely red district, so he doesn’t even have to work to get elected. Running for Senate statewide would be a real chore, and he could easily lose. All that in exchange for being the junior senator from Ohio? No way.


Wait… does this mean Florida isn’t a state anymore? if so we could prevent alla those covid carrying spring breakers from reentering the US since they don’t have valid passports.


Yep, and I think a lot of the more diehard Trumpers who believe the election was stolen from him see no point in voting anymore because the deep state, liberals, RINOs, etc. are just going to steal the election again. If you’re a QNut then there’s no point in voting anyway since Trump is going to rise again and takeover the entire world.

You apparently think much more of Gym Jordan than I do. I think he’s just the type of egotistical moron who’d give up a plum House seat to run for higher office. And I would hope he’s not delusional enough to think anyone is going to let him anywhere near the Speaker’s gavel.


The GOP is the party of Crooks and Kooks.

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It’s not delusional at all. The caucus loves Gym Jordan! Remember how they kept moving him around during the first impeachment to be in charge of a bunch of different committees because he was so good at Performative Whataboutism?

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He may be calling it the Revenge/Fealty Tour, it’s really the “I’m in Debt to the Russian Mob Up to My Eyeballs” Tour. Revenge/Fealty just looks better on the t-shirts for sale at the gate (along with the Trump Greatest Hits CD, the miniature gold idol statuettes, and the Trump Brand Steaks)


It should, more properly, be called the Inheritage Foundation - built on the sweat and blood of trust-fund babies to protect the memory of their plutocratic forebearers.


Best laugh on a bad day. So good!

On a cellphone the screen isn’t big enough to highlight your text- egotistical moron!
In parts of Cleveland, he’d be tarred and feathered. Grew up there. Parents SPENT 50 years +in same house. He is an embarrassment to most of the state…

I’m trying to parse your post - are you calling @pluckyinky a moron? If so, why? She’s a unique voice on this site and one of the good people, so why?

Now, I hope it’s just me being dense. I did visit your Rifleman site, and I welcome support for our Vets, but exactly what are you trying to communicate here? :thinking:

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I think he was trying to applaud plucky’s description of Gym Jordan as an “egotistical moron”, but was having trouble with the mobile UI.