GOP Senate Hopefuls In Ohio Scramble To Out-Trump Each Other

Jane Timken has always been Trumpy, she just wasn’t loud and obnoxious about it.

Why the media think this is some kind of change is a mystery. The fact she is the least worst choice, by just a little bit, is scary.

You’ll recognize the candidate that Rump wants by which one is making the loudest kissing and licking sounds. (I’m referring to boots, so don’t go there . . . )


Okay Edith.


The 2022 Ohio senate election will reveal if Ohio is now completely a numnut right wing state or a sane Democrat can win statewide.


Without Dear Leader on the ticket those new voters (cult followers) will not be returning to the polls. They took their best shot. They were convinced he’d win - and the libs stole it. It just proves they were right all along… No matter how many people vote the outcome is controlled and their votes don’t count. They won’t be back to the polls. But off-year elections have always had low turnout for Democrats.
Who is/are the Democrat(s) running for Portman’s seat?


I say go for it.

Me too! Hopefully he’ll do to Ohio what he did to Georgia. It’s made all the difference so far.


I agree. For one thing, they are upfront about the fact that they really do not like politicians and that was a lot of the MFWWNBN’s appeal. They have no love for the GOP.


Used to be those hot summer days of high humidity little wind that made a season icky. Now it is the campaign season.

Oops, I commented too soon.

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Getting some real 2010/2012 tea party vibes right now. Trumpism without the Trump is going to fall flat I think.


Maybe, maybe not. The data I have seen indicate that past voting activity correlates pretty strongly with future voting activity. So while I do suspect that a lot of the Trump cultists are going to go back to non-voting status, that is far from a certainty.

ETA: I should also note that the GOP doubling-down on the Trumpist message and fealty to the Orange Blobfish appears to be a calculated decision that without all those new MAGA voters, their party’s future electoral politics are utterly screwed. And they’re undoubtedly correct in that assessment. They’ll be keeping it up unless and until it proves to be a losing strategy.

No announced candidates yet, but Rep. Tim Ryan is expected to run. I expect he will be a strong candidate in the general.


The 2022 Ohio senate election will reveal if Ohio is now completely a numnut right wing state or a sane Democrat can win statewide

Wasn’t there a time (too lazy to look it up) when Ohio was a blue state?


Amid tweeting about Dr. Seuss, amplifying his many media hits with rightwing figures like Tucker Carlson and Charlie Kirk and attacking corporate elites, the venture capitalist

The incongruous juxtaposition makes me feel like I’m reading Voltaire, not a news article.

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And not Russian agents.


Somewhat OT: Gave me a chuckle.

[Scratching my head over this one. The sub-tweet by Mehta doesn’t show anywhere at the location I grabbed it from.]


The ongoing GQP effort to find the lowest common denominator is leading to irrational numbers.


Welp if one of the candidates really wanted to “out trump” the other … … … the best way in my humble opinion would be to call donald up and ask his advice. Then act on it after due consideration is paid. After all trump is transactional and profit is always a motivating force.


O my god now we’re going back to the beginning and dividing the country on the basis of Loyalists to the Crown and American rebels?

If that doesn’t tell it all - the GOP is fighting the last battle to preserve colonialism. All of what they are doing is nothing more than trying to hold onto the shreds of colonialism, which equates with White Supremacy.

This is rich. If we didn’t cancel the monarchy in 1776, what did we do? And was that a problem for them that we did?



That’s a whole White Shark Café that they’ve jumped, there.


I have to say it again - we already cancelled the fucking Monarchy.

Are they going to make us do it again, because I’m fine with that.


Anything if it gives them that. They are becoming so clear in their intentions it is stunning.