GOP’s Critical Race Theory Outrage Serves As Another Reminder Of White Evangelicals’ Political Influence

I could be mistaken or out-of-date, but I believe the ruling was that caffeinated sodas are up to the individual’s own conscience. So, more or less just decriminalization rather than full legalization.

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Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, the Bronx. I gotta do some reading on the history of the NYC restrictive covenants and zoning laws. I own Daniel Karatzas’ book on Jackson Heights and it is around somewhere. Sam Lefrak was Fred Trump’s big competition in the white rental market, but he gets to slide on the discrimination that Trump always gets blamed for. I find it inconceivable that his organization did not also practice discrimination in refusing to rent to black and latinos, then principally Puerto Ricans.

In his later years, Sam Lefrak decided to change his last name to Le Frak, pronounced in the French manner. I know because my office sued Lefrak in the late 80s and in Court his attorneys made a big show of using the French pronunciation.


Though, in the midst of all those begats, the first woman mentioned after Eve is Sarai, so it’s a little hard to trace the maternal lineage of any of the chaps. Reading it without the preconceived notions that typically come along with it, there clearly seemed to be other peoples populating the Earth that weren’t of Adam and Eve’s line and they seem like they were marrying into those families.

The Bible/Torah gets squirrelly on the details when Yahweh is making that awkward transition from tribal god to The God. Before that, Moloch and Co. were all just as legitimate as Yahweh, but only for that other tribe. It’s clear to me that some of the early chapters aren’t describing Moloch as a “false” god, just a rival one. It was only after the Canaanites decided that they were the one true people that they had to go back and rewrite* the stories a bit. (ETA: They were the Tudors of their day.)

* though writing was still a little ways out at the time.


If it was ok for Game of Thrones, its ok for us… :sunglasses:


Incest or auto-cannibalism? I loves me some ribs.

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I’ve read a bit about Daniel Karatzas’ book but will have to give it a look.
Sam Lefrak did essentially what the Trump family did. When there was anti German sentiment during both world wars they claimed that they were Swede. I guess enough people bought into it.


Hah - I have read all the Game of Thrones books. They are pretty ponderous but they’re comic books for entertainment value compared to the bible


At least they stuck with dragons, didn’t go totally fantasy world with people hanging out inside whales or parting seas with a staff or walking on water.

But I will give you that there’s a hell of a lot of interesting pornography in both, but Sodom and Gomorrah probably takes the prize, slightly.

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Hey, give us a good manager, staff with the appropriate skill sets, processes and resources, I’m sure they could part a few seas. Now, the whole “whales” things, I’ll admit, was a bit of a stretch, and the “walking on water” was probably just to distract from the “hey, he has holes in his feet!” thing…

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I trust you’re being ironic here

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It’s with Cain and Abel and their sisters the incest comes in.

@sniffit too


Now, the whole “whales” things, I’ll admit, was a bit of a stretch

And yet…


Such a stupid stupid stupid hilarious movie…


Seems like not long ago, they were happy to accuse the Roman Catholic church as a whole as a corrupt institution but surely don’t see the Southern Baptist Convention the same way…


An analogy would be that the act of going to a brothel and paying for sex with a prostitute is wrong, but that there is nothing amiss in the existence of brothels, pimps, and human trafficking and such things must be ignored because they don’t make people use prostitutes and talking about them might make some people feel guilty.

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What do you call requiring young people to go out all over the world to knock on doors and annoy the hell out of people? I thought that was the very definition of Evangelical.

I never have understood why an idea that kids might be asked to consider during their “education” is so terrifying to right-wingers. Their idea of “education” has always more closely resembled brain washing to me.

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That little issue has always made me wonder just how “authentic” the bible stories are also.


The Southern slave holders gave their enslaved people a Bible that told them to be good slaves and their reward was on the other side- how convenient.

The same slave holders broke from the Union to protect their right to enslave and traffick people, and after they lost, they used the same flag almost 100 years later when the Civil Rights Movement was starting.

In between, some of them sold everything (but their enslaved hostages) and ran to the northern-most state of Mexico to buy really cheap land, and enslave more people to work it. The Mexican Government didn’t want slavery (any more) and those good Southern folk fought to overthrow their new government and begged the US (which they voluntarily left) to take them back. When they were a Republic, it took an act of the Texas Congress to allow a freed Black person to stay in the Republic. Then America took them back (along with the land), only to have those same folks side with the rest of the South over, you guessed it, Slavery.

After Brown v Board of Ed, those exclusive Christian Academies became the place White people in North Carolina sent their kids, while the Governor was given the power to close ANY school that was in danger of being integrated. Tuition was reimbursed by the state and charter schools became the rage there.

Yes, indeed. It has always supported racism and sexism. It always confused me how any minority church could call itself part of the SBC. Even that split started several years ago, without an ounce of irony, but then again, there are still plenty of segregated cemeteries, and not just in the South.


But wait! There’s a number of prosperity pimps in the Evangelical ranks. Ministers who aren’t preaching that old-time stuff about sin and going to Hell anymore, but preaching this warped view of God blessing those who have faith with riches. The riches are now, literally monetary wealth, and you can only show you faith by tithing until Joel Olstein can afford another Benz or Ken Copeland can afford to repaint his G5. Tis is wny Trump has such a hold on some of these idiots- they believe he is a Billionaire, and that wealth was a gift from God (excuse me while I wretch).

Even after everyone figured out that Jack Abramoff and Ralph Reed conned them coming and going, some of these folks still believe Reed is one of them. They still send money to Jim Bakker. Somehow, Bakker isn’t back in prison for his latest frauds. The suckers that can are flocking to megachurches that are hoovering up their money, and those that can’t are sitting at home splitting their fixed income between Trump and the pimps on tv.

The outrage over CRT is an opportunity to wind up the base to vote for whichever Republican is willing to kiss the ring and split the money with the Evangelical leadership.


I’m shocked shocked I tell you to find moneychangers in the temple.

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