GOP Rep. Sean Duffy Announces Resignation

Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) announced on Monday that he will leave Congress next month.

Duffy will step down on September 23 due to health complications with his unborn baby.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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That is a decision that demands respect. And I hope that the health issues are resolved as well as it possible given medical science today.


I don’t want to dance on anything like this, but hopefully our local Dems can put up a decent candidate to take his place.

Sorry for his issues, but hopefully this will be good for both him and his district.


In addition to the medical and family issues, I respect the decision because Wisconsin has a Democrat Governor who will pick Duffy’s replacement until the next election.


Kudos to him, he’s got his priorities straight.


No that’s Senators. House resignations lead to special elections


I certainly won’t miss him in Congress, but I wish him and especially his family the best on a personal level.




I truly wish the best for Mr. Duffy and his family. I hope his replacement believes that everyone should have quality, affordable health care, and works sincerely and diligently to make that happen.


That’s my district. I will be headed to town hall this week to file for an absentee ballot (one files annually and there were no elections planned for this year). I’m in St. Croix. Have also noted this on the local Indivisible page. Hopefully, they get off their asses and do something.


I don’t see how anyone could miss him in Congress, frankly. I did the research just after his last election - he hasn’t done anything of note in his time there. So what’s to miss?


You’d miss warts if you’d had them long enough.


Wow, I wonder how he’s going to pay the medical bills? Most of us would have to stay in our sucky job.


Oh, I expect he’ll be on the Fox rounds soon enough.


It’s why I couldn’t understand the stupidity of the local Dem party to NOT highlight his inaction for nearly nine years prior to this last election. I was appalled at the missed opportunities to send him home.


Interesting that TPM article refers to unborn baby rather than pregnant wife/pregnancy. Assume that’s from the press release, but still, I donno.


Post is here - this is his ninth child.

For those that don’t have FB:

Next to marrying Rachel, representing you – the people and families of Wisconsin’s 7th District - in Congress has been the highest honor of my life. Together, we have engaged in the most important battles of our time: protecting freedom of speech and religious liberty, taking care of our veterans, defending the unborn, and saving American jobs and American capitalism.

After eight and a half years, the time has come for me to focus more on the reason we fight these battles – family.

As you all know, raising a family is hard work. It’s especially true for one as large and busy as mine. Being away from home in Washington four days a week is challenging and for that reason, I have always been open to signs from God when it comes to balancing my desire to serve both my family and my country.

Recently, we’ve learned that our baby, due in late October, will need even more love, time, and attention due to complications, including a heart condition. With much prayer, I have decided that this is the right time for me to take a break from public service in order to be the support my wife, baby and family need right now. It is not an easy decision – because I truly love being your Congressman – but it is the right decision for my family, which is my first love and responsibility.

On September 23, I will step down and allow others to step forward to begin laying out their own vision and plans for leading this beautiful district and the most honest, hard-working, family-oriented, patriotic, and God-fearing constituents in America.

I will be forever grateful for and humbled by the faith and sacred trust you have put in me all these years. I am especially grateful for the prayers said on behalf of our family. We hope they keep coming! I will miss being your Congressman, but I am also looking forward to having more time with my family, being home for more birthdays and hockey games, and having time to enjoy and care for our new baby girl, who is already so loved by our family.

A special thank you to my chief of staff, Pete Meachum, my district director, Jesse Garza, and the rest of my loyal and competent district & DC staff. They are the reason you have enjoyed the best and most attentive customer service this district has ever had to resolve your federal issues and problems. I am so proud of what they do and have full confidence they will continue to seamlessly provide these valuable services during the coming transition.


“public service”, how adorable.

Good riddance. Be sure to note his number of ‘True’ statements.


I inherited the family cabin we built in 1964 in Burnett Co, when my father died this winter. I thought I had thoroughly deTrumped the place, but noticed a Trump sticker on a utility pole at the end of the driveway while I was mowing this weekend. My Dad was indoctrinated by right wing radio while living there. There’s a station out of Duluth that blasts their crap 24/7. There are a lot of folks in the same situation, relative isolation and right wing hate radio, its a toxic combination.


BUT…he did star in Real World Boston. So he is at least as qualified to be ineffectual as donnie.