Rep. Gary Palmer (R-AL) had made absolutely clear that he did not approve of the bipartisan infrastructure bill (BIF) when it passed the House in early November, no sir!
The Dems and allied Super PACS need to put billboards next to projects in every district of a member who voted against the BIF: “Representative X / Senator Y voted against this project.”
Not “Voted against the bill,” “Doesn’t support rebuilding America,” or some other generic bullshit.
Well, I give him credit for 1 thing - he acknowledged that the Dems DID NOT freeze out RepubliQans (even though they deserve it) and included projects where needed regardless of the bastards representing that area.
The ads just write themselves. Rep. Palmer voted against the very project he claims credit for. People really don’t like when people get or claim credit for things they didn’t do, especially women who have it happen to them time and again.