GOP Guvs Appear Set On Attending And Speaking At NRA Meeting

In a statement on Wednesday afternoon, NRA confirmed its convention remains scheduled for Friday while an “investigation is underway and facts are still emerging.”

“We recognize this was the act of a lone, deranged criminal,” the statement reads. “As we gather in Houston, we will reflect on these events, pray for the victims, recognize our patriotic members, and pledge to redouble our commitment to making our schools secure.”

Hey NRA what one act made the shooter a criminal? And why do you not want to prevent deranged people, criminals or not yet criminals, to freely access firearms without some form of checks, and mandatory training?




“We recognize this was the act of a lone, deranged criminal,” the statement reads. “As we gather in Houston, we will reflect on these events, pray for the victims, recognize our patriotic members, and pledge to redouble our commitment to making our schools secure.”

Except for that significant part where our lobbying efforts made it a bunch simpler for that “lone [ha, who do they think they’re kidding], deranged criminal” to so easily acquire military style armaments and armor. That part of making our schools (and society) safer we’re going to scrupulously ignore, attempt to distract from and discredit.

Gunz R Us!!!


Are we ever going to eliminate all guns? Probably not but the GOP has created a “reality” where they cannot even begin to discuss the most non-controversial gun control measures without being primaried.
I hope the current GOP’s votes and rhetoric point to something like the Southern anti-Civil Rights Jim Crow extremism that was at its peak in 1964.

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Does it really take a gathering like this, to prove what shitty target selection that other asshole had?

Rednecks on bad acid: Gun grabbers! Gun grabbers!

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Josh has a good piece out front about how it’s not just the gun lobby. It’s also the millions who’ve decided having maximal access to maximally powerful weapons is worth having ten or twenty grocery shoppers or grade-school kids wiped out every few days. It’s “the price of freedom,” which is a perfectly accurate and true thing to say. Having this much freedom regarding guns means a lot of unstable people will be committing massacres. And lots of people, enough to matter electorally, are OK. With. It. Shaking my damn head.


That’s just crap. That soulless fucker has no heart, and his head is buried up his lifeless ass.

I mock him because he is a sociopath. Cares only for his own self and the power he can get as a politician.


The “thoughts and prayers” team has to pay homage to their owners. Of course, they will go worship at the alter of the NRA. It always has the fresh blood of innocents, this week the smoke will be especially full of a sickening sweet smell.

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Don’t worry, the Republicans know that in a few days, maybe a few weeks, the rest of us will have forgotten. We always do.


I remember when I was very little being aware that atom bombs could wipe me and everyone out. Those times when the prospect of nuclear war seemed likelier are long ago now, but a sudden loud aircraft noise in the sky can bring them back in a hurry. We don’t forget. We just live with it.


They do.

But even worse, a vocal minority of never-STFU crazies (a third of Americans at absolute most, but concentrated in places such as Texas like black mold in a shower corner) have a firm grip on Abbot’s ghoulies, also too.

Fortunately, the NRA is financially wrecked, mired in litigation, and headed (ultimately) for oblivion. The small minority of Americans that can’t maintain their semi-flaccid woodies without cosplaying Red Dawn while browsing pictures of murdered-kiddie porn, however, are gonna be with us a while longer.

Yapping ever louder for more-insanely-lethal microgenital-compensation products.

Lucky us…


I’m waiting for the day construction workers can build houses at the same speed and efficiency with plain old hammer and nails that they do with nail guns and 18-gauge steel wire nails.
Or with no hammer or nails at all.
Because you know, people build houses. Not hammers and nails.


When will some heartless idiot claim the kids who were killed were “crisis actors”?

and the NRA Gopers have missed the blood soaked irony of this NRA meeting in Texas. Somehow they will make it political instead of tragic.
Moar gunz they will say!!
I expect trump to wave an Uzi around just to be cool.

I expect that means lobbying for more armed guards and armed teachers in every school.


It’s all a joke to them. They do not worry about getting shot because they work in places with restrictions and they have protection. Too bad their voters can’t see through it.


You have a way with words I do not possess.
I remember a time (pre-trump) when rational thinking, sanity and science were prized things. On both sides of the aisle even… Now it’s dark irony soaked in blood by those who need assault rifles to be a man.

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Why shouldn’t they? It’s not as if they’ll suffer any electoral consequences and the American people have made it clear after Sandy Hook they don’t give a crap if children get slaughtered.


“We recognize this was the act of a lone, deranged criminal,” said the NRA spokesmen, "just as the previous 30 massacres have been the acts of lone, deranged criminals. While we support sensible action to make our schools safer, such as installing 50-calibre, belt-fed, gas-powered, crew-served machine guns behind sandbags at every entrance to every school in America, and requiring all schoolchildren, beginning in kindergarten, to carry loaded semi-automatic handguns to school, until such time as those reasonable steps occur, we plan to spare no effort in making it as easy as possible for lone, deranged criminals to acquire high-capacity magazine, high-muzzle velocity assault rifles.


Occam’s fog.