As Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D) emergency declaration hurtles toward its expiration Thursday at midnight, Republicans are so far refusing to play ball as the governor seeks to extend it.
Senate Republicans voted to repeal it [the Emergency Powers of the Governor] last week in a purely symbolic move.
Yep, same crap the Wisconsin GOP legislature pulled when a Democratic governor was elected. All the powers granted to a GOP gov were withdrawn and legislated out.
The people in Michigan aren’t gonna stand for this anymore than we did/are in WI. The GOP is in big trouble in Michigan. That’s two States down from their column.
I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that Republicans are trying to turn this into a political argument…they hope that during the election they can fire up their base because of Democrats who have “shown they want to control you through the government!!!”. They are ignoring that most people don’t think opening up is a good idea until it is safe, and it’s not safe right now for the majority of things…we need to stay isolated as long as we can to let the virus die out.
Their strategy is likely to get more people killed…forcing people out to work in the middle of a pandemic will mean more sick and dead people, more overwhelmed hospitals, and even more fear and economic devastation. That seems like a far worse platform to run on in November…if it wasn’t for al the suffering that will happen I’d be glad watching them commit political suicide.
Has anyone asked the Republican led legislature and protesters how many deaths will it take for them to take this seriously? Or maybe Whitmer could have her AG Nessel’s staff draw up a legally binding document that anyone who refuses it abide by the Emergency Action can not receive a ventilator or other support care if they choose to ignore.
“If there was any interest in his caucus working with the governor, it has evaporated,”
Narrator: There was never any such interest.
The Emergency Powers of the Governor Act states “It is hereby declared to be the legislative intent to invest the governor with sufficiently broad power of action in the exercise of the police power of the state to provide adequate control over persons and conditions during such periods of impending or actual public crisis or disaster. The provisions of this act shall be broadly construed to effectuate this purpose.”
This law authorizes Whitmer to do everything necessary. The GOP is trying to use the other law to force her into an error. It is not going to happen. They do not have a good negotiating position, which is why they summoned the pot-bellied gun wavers.
Well, after all, it is just a Democrat hoax with inflated numbers for which the entire problem can be blamed on the Chinese and Blue State governors who mis-spend all their money.
Did I cover all the RWNJ arguments? Who’d I miss…???
Both of these States are Blue, but that might not be your point.
What I’m thinking is that Seattle also had a different profile from NYC. I don’t know enough about Seattle to state this precisely, but I don’t think Seattle has anything akin to the subway system and mass transit system that NYC has. That alone is going to be a breeding ground unlike anything else in the US. The population density as a whole is much higher in NYC than in Seattle.
Honestly, I think this has to be the main reasoning behind the ridiculously high number of cases they had in NYC. And I say this as one with a friend on Long Island who spent about two weeks in hospital with this. The whole region is just so packed, I don’t know why it’s not a whole lot worse, to be honest.
Yes, population density is a big factor but Seattle clearly took the virus seriously and closed schools early with cooperation from Microsoft and Amazon. De Blasio chose a political fight with his city administrators.
So the hero in NY is Cuomo, who’s taken more guff on the chin and put himself in front of the cameras trying to deal with this crisis and I know for myself, I’ve heard jack-squat out of DiBlasio.
That makes all the sense in the world.
DiBlasio won’t get an additional term, guaranteed. NYC has lost a lot in the last six weeks with all of this and, from what you’re telling me, it’s all on him.
I so hope you’re right. Most of my family live in Michigan, and, as good conservatives, they’re furious about Whitmer’s lockdown. They think their individual rights shouldn’t be trampled on in the name of public health. Even my 80-year-old dad, who’s terrified of contracting the virus, complains about this every week when we talk.
“Just before her Wednesday press conference, she threw down the gauntlet and forwarded an email exchange her staff was having with the Senate President to local news outlets.”
A spokesperson for Shirley said that he was “very disappointed” about the governor’s decision to make the emails public. “If there was any interest in his caucus working with the governor…
If anyone believes these ideologues had any intent to work with their Governor in the first place, I’ve got a handy bridge across Lake Superior for sale.
The more I hear from and about Governor Whitmer, the more I like her. Strong, principled, articulate and determined to do the right thing in the face of GOP intransigence and blind opposition. Go for it Governor and hold your ground. Michigan is fortunate to have you as their governor.
Why is the discussion about “getting people back to work?” It has nothing to do with the people. It has to do with the Republican business donors who need their corona fodder to keep their wallets fat.
How about this? People are suffering? Give them money. Full stop.
Hey, sure they did want to work with her. Using their extra special definition of “work with” which means “categorically surrender and give me everything I ask for without getting anything in return.” As it happens, it’s the only definition he knows because he’s never had to negotiate from a position in the minority (I’m guessing).