GOP Convention Bars Journalists For The First Time Ever | Talking Points Memo

I’m about to reach through the screen and smack the living crap out of the idiot who switched to a blurry two-thirds off center side view at the most dramatic moment. Does SpaceX hire white house interns, or something?

Don’t hire the camera operator again

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Amazing to me were the bits of the rocket that landed themselves just like the old space movies


Funny thing is that I haven’t until recently. I’m not sure what changed but I find this really interesting an exciting these days.

Wasn’t Herman Cain one of the delegates from Georgia until Iwanka and Skanky Turdface gave him the deadly Trump virus at the Juneteenth Rally in Tulsa?

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What is really way cool to me is how they recover and reuse boosters. I watched two boosters land at the space center in Florida at the same time!!! It was utter understatement to say it was dramatic. Space X has had its share of fuck ups but it looks like they nailed this one cold.


It’s also awesome showmanship, and bravura. There’s no technical reason they have to land them at the same time.

But, as of today, to put people in space NASA no longer must go hat in hand to the russians.

Yeah I saw that and I agree. Amazing

And fuck off nannybot. I’m talking to darr and I don’t care if you don’t like it. In fact, I’m glad it annoys you!

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it’s going to be a shit show.

No, no. Only the press will be excluded.


As ever with the GOP and trump, one is compelled to ask, what nefarious thing are they hiding? Or is it simply a case that they are afraid that trump’s acceptance speech will be so insane and incoherent that it will scare off even more voters?

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Why not just have the Kremlin issue a press release? That would be on brand.


But the GOP and SCOTUS has made sure that Corporations are “people,” per Citizens United. That is one of the FIRST things the Biden Admin will have to work to rescind.

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I NEVER get tired of hearing this, @tena

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The ONLY thing these people worry about is optics.

So, what poor optics are they afraid of?

I think we should start a rumor that the GOP plans to nominate Mitt Romney. I predict a mad tweet rate of 40-50/hr will follow shortly…


Yes! That’s what needs to happen. Just get it out there. “People are saying…”

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Bourbon isn’t a cure, it’s the answer.

It has a lot to do, though, with the Covfefe-45 epidemic rampant in the Republican party. Masks, social distancing, and washing your hands don’t help with that one.

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Elon is a complete jerk. He is also a visionary. The two frequently seem linked.

Consider Steve Jobs — by all accounts, a complete asshole. But the things he helped to create have changed the world for the better. Could he have delivered the vision without being such an asshole? Maybe. But there was also a noticeable change in Apple products once the designers weren’t quite so terrified of a Jobs eruption, and it wasn’t a change for the better. You can still hear people murmur, in various corridors, “Steve wouldn’t have let this ship…”

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