GOP Candidate Argues Pregnant Rape Survivors Should Be ‘Inspired’ By Situation ‘God Put Them In’ | Talking Points Memo

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things.

Michigan GOP gubernatorial candidate Garrett Soldano has some truly egregious beliefs about abortion, according to an interview with right-wing podcaster April Moss earlier this month that was unearthed by the progressive publication, Heartland Signal, yesterday.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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aka. Blessed be the fruit.


There are no words to express the vileness of Soldano :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

The ghastly thing about this is that there will definitely be some asswipe rapist whose defense is now going to be he was on a mission for God.

It’s just sickening.


Then again a rape victim might choose to consider that they are aborting the next Garrett Soldano.

  • Soldano emphasized a need to “defend the DNA” at conception because people who want abortions might end up killing the next Mother Teresa. “They don’t know,” he said. “That little baby inside them may be the next president, may be the next person who changes humanity.”

Could also be the next Adolf Hitler or Attila the Hun.

Additionally, CNN reported last night that there was a second executive order draft on seizing the equipment besides the one for the Defense Department. There was also one drafted directing the DHS to do the same thing, according to CNN.

Unless I miss my guess, these were all ideas not implemented, ergo, not prosecutable?

Southern University and A&M, Howard University, Bethune-Cookman University, Albany State University, Bowie State University and Delaware State University all received bomb threats on the eve of Black History Month yesterday.

No racism in this country, right, Justice Roberts?

the Iowa Republican very unambiguously said that he “can’t speculate” on what the ex-president suggested.

Maybe at 87 years old, his judgement is just a bit clouded?

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) told reporters yesterday that it’s “it’s far beyond time” to have a Black woman serve as a Supreme Court justice, and last week he said he’d be okay with confirming a justice more liberal than he is, so … guess that might not be a banana peel he’ll be throwing in front of Democrats this time?

Consistent with Manchin’s steady support of Biden’s picks for the Judiciary. Don’t know where Sinema stands, but I’ll take it.

The federal judge overseeing the lawsuit between the House Jan. 6 committee and ex-Trump legal adviser/coup architect John Eastman has ordered the lawyer to stop dragging his feet

Story on PW indicates that, at the pace Eastman is going, the most concerning emails in the period of the insurrection won’t be released in time for evaluation by the committee. Is there no way for the judge to say, cut to the chase, in terms of the timing of the review and limit the email review to a period of a month before and a month after or something?

Starting Feb. 7, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow is taking a hiatus

The timing is bad, especially with the run up to the hearings, but Rachel needs the break. I’m sure this timeperiod has been truly stressful for her. Hurry back, ma’am. We’ll leave the light on for you.


There used to be a story floating around that Hitler’s mother wanted an abortion and wasn’t able to get one.

Some abortions may fall into the category of “a service to civilized society.”


`* Instead of letting survivors of rape get abortions, “how about we start inspiring women in the culture to let them understand and know how heroic they are, and how unbelievable that they are, that God put them in this moment?” Soldano suggested.

How about this asshole just STFU and get his fucking self educated about sexual violence towards women as well as biology?


I’m trying to wrap my little brain around the idea that women who have been raped should see it as fulfilling gawds plan. The even crazier aspects to that is, he’ll be supported by many Americans.

In any case, this is a perfect example of why your media needs to be controlled by an independent council.


Pardon me while I head to the toilet to vomit.


This guy may be the perfect GOP candidate, I see a bright future.

What an ASSHOLE.


god is not here today in the republican party.


Just waiting for Garrett to say that rape victims should be honored by wearing…a scarlet letter…


“How about we start inspiring women in the culture to let them understand and know how heroic they are, and how unbelievable that they are, that God put them in this moment?” Soldano suggested.

Yes, and as men are endowed by God to be physically stronger than women, we should fix the labor shortage by moving men out of white collar jobs where their physical skills are wasted, and into construction and manufacturing where they are sorely needed. The white collar jobs (and salaries) they left behind can be filled by women.

We will all celebrate how heroic they are, that they accepted God’s plan to properly utilize the skills and attributes He bestowed upon them.


Manchin Agrees It’s Time To Appoint A Black Woman To SCOTUS

Yes, but he’s probably thinking Omarosa.


Oh but God is in the Republican Party!

Their God is Ayn Rand who just happened to be a solid backer of a woman’s right to have an abortion. But they ignore that little “eccentricity” 'cause Jay-Zuss says so!




“how about we start inspiring women in the culture to let them understand and know how heroic they are, and how unbelievable that they are, that God put them in this moment?”

Agreed! And what better way of doing this than to give them autonomy over their own bodies!

See, TPM fell for the clickbait. Yesterday was the second time in a month that a bunch of HBCUs received bomb threats, unfortunately. It was very tempting to draw connections to the eve of Black History Month and the SCOTUS pick based on headlines alone yesterday. But no: this is a far more common occurrence. Which sucks even more.

the Iowa Republican very unambiguously said that he “can’t speculate” on what the ex-president suggested.

Love when commenting on something someone actually said is “speculation”. On that note, let us stop speculating about Manchin and the SCOTUS nominee!


This shouldn’t surprise. I’ve heard right wingers spew this for decades.


With all this reverence dumbass has for tiny rape babies when do we expect R’s to support the little ones?


Todd Akin wasn’t supported by enough voters in Missouri to get elected after his vile remarks about women not getting pregnant if it was “legitimate rape.” This asswipe will be tossed into the gutter in Michigan as well.

Ignorant “religious” morons.