GOP Bill Target Foreign Purveyors Of False Info About Coronavirus

Sens. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) are bringing the iron first of justice down on officials who disseminated false information about the coronavirus — so long as they hail from other countries.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at



So China lied about Covid-19 for 3 WEEKS…
Trump/GOP lied about Covid-19 and denied, dismissed and delayed response for approx. 3 MONTHS…

Greed-Over-People Party always finds someone to blame except themselves!

Take a listen to Dr. Desai in Fox News saying that the Trump Regime knew about Covid Dec 2019 because of WHO!

So what did Covidiot Trump do after his acquittal from the rigged impeachment trial? He had victory laps, rallies, golfing, purging of his perceived enemies…lied, denied, delayed response…QPQ with some governors…played TV doctor, worried about his blown hair, Tv ratings, FB followers…on and on

So still blame foreign purveyors of FALSE Covid info?
Trump would NOT dare do that against his master in the Kremlin!


Feb 3rd, the Army warned that up to 150,00 Americans can die from Covid…

March 4, President Trump told Fox News host Sean Hannity that the World Health Organization’s coronavirus death estimate of 3.4 percent of cases was a “false number,” since it contradicted a “hunch” he had. “It’s not that severe,” the president said.

So what about this purveyor of disinformation who knowingly lied about it?


Well now Joshy Hawley is upset that the SBA won’t give loans to churches and non-profits. He’s getting an earful on Twitter.
He’s been pushing this China lied theme for weeks, yet nothing about Trump’s inaction and lies.


GOP Bill Target Foreign Purveyors Of False Info About Coronavirus

How about the domestic ones? Looking at you, FAUX, Flush, OAN, etc…


Sens. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Tom Cotton (R-AR)

The heartland horrors who make Sarah Huckabee Sanders look like Madame Curie.


I wasn’t paying much attention to Hawley’s yammering (it becomes a blur), but it’s amazing that one of the sponsors is still getting a pass for ‘saber rattling’.



Of course not! SARS-CoV-2 was made in the Kitchens of Sara Lee while they were doing taste trials of their new “Bat ‘n Pangolin Cheese Danishes“.


Here is an easy start… Well done!


Well Hawley has been screaming about the CCP and Hong Kong for months. He’s upset that the CCP is threatening HK’s democracy. I realize that he’s young, he was 18 when the lease by the British came to an end. But JFC Josh read some history before tweeting histrionics. I guess I’m old and am tired of these youngsters thinking that they discovered something, get worked up about it, and then blame those that don’t seem to care.


Is this called…(what’s the phrase rethugs love to use?) ViRtUe SiGnAlInG?


The funniest thing is that Hawley can go after CCP Hong Kong policy and (possibly) look like a genius.

However it doesn’t do him any favors to take shots at Lebron (and others), when a far more dangerous novice is obviously Trump.


the iron first of justice

Sure, it’s a typo. But when it comes to Rethugliklans it turns out to be accurate — justice from those lawless bastards would be a first.

So one might say it’s trumps new “DREAM TEAM”

plenty of openings on the job front near and around this administration to sell out your soul for as they wait for the hand of the chosen one to be laid upon them for all there effort…

Where’s the outrage about the hatred being directed to Chinese-Americans. Moron started it with his “Chinese” virus statements, and people he doesn’t know or care about or taking the blame.

Giving financial assistance to entities other than corporations, which are people my friend, runs counter to R beliefs as to who should be helped by the Federal government and in what amounts. If the country is going to survive this pandemic and get businesses running and get people back to work Rs will have to let go of those beliefs or the party dies. Which thinking about it is a pretty good plan.


“He’s a friend of mine.” He’s a friend of ours, dialogue straight out of Donnie Brasco.

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it still ticks me off that Cruz went after Lebron for his opinion, but was eerily quiet when it was Trump’s turn.


GOP Bill Target Foreign Purveyors Of False Info About Coronavirus

alternate headline:

GOP Sues Germany for Drumpf Family Incursion into D.C., Subsequent Lies and False Info.

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