Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) slammed a Senate GOP probe into Joe Biden as a waste of taxpayer resources and a “political exercise” unfit for Congress on Wednesday.
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) slammed a Senate GOP probe into Joe Biden as a waste of taxpayer resources and a “political exercise” unfit for Congress on Wednesday.
Romney derided Johnson’s Ukraine investigation as having, “from the outset, had the earmarks of a political exercise, and I’m fearful that comments made in the media recently have only confirmed that perspective.”
“It’s the province of campaigns and political parties, opposition research, the media, to carry out political endeavors to learn about or dust up one’s opponent,” Romney added, in comments made directly to Johnson. “But it’s not the legitimate role of government, for Congress or for taxpayer expense, to be used as an effort to damage political opponents.”
Thank you, Senator Romney.
Mitt is no dummy. He’s setting himself up to be the leader of the Republican party following Trump’s bloodbath loss.
I welcome Romney taking on a cuckoo member of his own party. One would hope that in the coming days he would make similar comments, only more forceful, direct, and aimed at more of his corrupt cohorts including DJT.
No doubt you’re right, but i also sincerely doubt that anyone who aligns themselves with the GOP today will follow Mitt Romney tomorrow. Maybe a few will, but that would mean the GOP splits in two, with one half following Mitt, and the other half following the likes of Cotton, Cruz, Rubio, Graham…IOW, the GOP would be dead. I’m OK with that.
I live in a bastion of the LDS church here in Mesa, AZ. The same people who thought Mitt was the second coming in 2012 now speak about him like he has been shunned from the only true religion. It is like an experiment in people’s ability to rationalize downward, and even I would not have believed the current results 4 years ago. The leap from believing in angels and present day prophets to children being imprisoned in furniture by pedophiles is apparently a small one.
Mr. Smith needs to be careful or he’ll find himself without a party. The modern republican party cares not for governing. It exists solely to do what Sen. Johnson is attempting to do.
I think that’s right: the Republicrats (aka former Dixiecrats) and their ilk are Cotton’s people, not Romney’s, so some kind of split seems inevitable. I also am quite OK with that.
Don’t you know that the “Glorious Peoples Republic of Trumpistan” is not shackled by the quaint commity of
the past?
The function of Government in the GPRT is to support, protect, and enrich Dear Leader Trump. It has no other function (as Rambo Jesus intended when he wrote the US Constitution and handed it to George Washington and Ronald Reagan in 1776.)
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) told a Wisconsin radio station that “what our investigations are uncovering, I think, will reveal this is not somebody we should be electing president of the United States.”