Saw a sign at a local MickeyD’s yesterday - Hiring $700/wk. I live near Burlington, VT. This was in my town of 10,000.
It’s almost like making sure the economy is not great in Nov 2022 is a republican backstop …
No, just wants Republicans in charge so they protect he and his fellow rich white upper class’s low tax burden
This. You can’t reach the cult. I had dinner with a couple of wife’s distant relatives. Husband believes tfg created a huge booming economy, now Biden’s ruining it. Wife asked “Is Biden is mentally ill?”
They will not/cannot accept that Dems are capable of helping the country. No amount of proof matters, because it is all faked.
Gloom indeed.
“What did you even come here for, Joe?” To fuck people over? To be insulted? You’ve done well at both.
It is the biggest accomplishment of the GOP so far: in an era when everyone has incredible access to knowledge and information, they’ve curated a group of people who cling to superstition and secondhand rumor so strongly they deny the ocean of information even while they swim in it.
Not only have Goldman Sachs issued reports calling for the passage of BBB the ratings agencies Moodys and Standards and Poors have as well. If mainline Wall Street can’t sway Manchin then who can? Hopefully West Virginians.
Wow, people still cling to that stuff?
Reminds m of 2016. When we said ‘don’t let Trump get in or abortion will be banned’ Sanders supporters said ‘hah, they’ll never overturn Roe v Wade, then they won’t have anything to whip up their supporters with’. How naive. The Republicans have been benefitting from the Democrat’s lack of imagination for years now. That is, the inability to imagine how depraved they can be and how bad it can get: Imagine no free press; Imagine having your property seized because of disloyalty; Imagine no Social Security; Imagine armed teachers; Imagine having your right to vote rescinded because you voted for an enemy of the state (Democrats); Imagine a return to human slavery
Democrats are fond of marvelling that so many people ‘vote against their interest’. The people of West Virginia do not vote against their interest. They’re interested in 'owning the ‘libs’, in stopping the ‘war on coal’. Trump and Manchin give them that. They are very happy. Perhaps one day they won’t be. But it will be too late.
Both with and without teeth.
Well at least now all the economist can hone in on one distinct point in time that will show how, when, and who slowed the economic recovery.
It’s gonna suck to be Joe Manchin. Unless of course this was his plan all along by betting the market will go down.
The toothbrush was invented in West Virginia. If it had been invented elsewhere it would be called the teethbrush.
I fear that it already is and we’re just not aware of it yet.
Around 26% of West Virginians have dental issues and probably haven’t seen a dentist in years.
For a number of years the British were known for having bad teeth and dental care. Once the NHS came into play their dental health improved markedly to the point where it is now better than West Virginia’s.
I glanced at a snippet of a news story about a manager of fast food joint getting fired because he closed early. There was no one scheduled past 7PM. No one was available to come in, and one guy can’t run the whole shebang by himself for 3-4 hours.
Some of us are.
It was too late when the government failed to act in January 2016. Everything since: The stolen SCOTUS nomination; Trumps election; ACB; JAN06 flows from that. They know the Democrats are weak and will not act. They put a gun their face in January 2016 and have been pushing hem back since. How many more steps to the cliff?
What has happened is that people have given up on listening to more than their chosen news network. I may watch a lot of MSNBC but like I’ve pointed out Fox is the next channel over. I do stop in to see what they are talking about, and how they are talking about what is happening.
hearts x 1000. I bet he leaves the Dems
Manchin lives on a yacht, doesn’t he? Be a shame if there were rats aboard.
There’s a shit list somewhere with his name on it.