On his radio show today, Glenn Beck was lamenting the fact that no media outlets (Fox News included!) were covering the growing scourge of Communists and Socialists preaching a violent overthrow here in America. He even proposed that 0.5% of Americans may be violent radicals. Of course, that figure isn’t something you’re likely to hear about since it was handily overshadowed by another stat the host used: Beck guessed that 10% of Muslims are terrorists. You hear that sound? That’s 100% of The View hosts angrily leaving the room. Yeah, even Hasselbeck.We’re going to give Beck the benefit of the doubt and assume this was just an example of unwisely rattling off a made-up figure and that he doesn’t actually think there are 150,000,000 Muslim terrorists running around. I mean, can you imagine how crowded those caves would be? Seriously though, it’s blanket quotes like this that just make people seem foolish. 10% may not seem like a lot in most cases but, when you’re talking about the second largest religion in the world
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=117379