Testing Congress’ oversight powers, Rudy Giuliani announced Tuesday that he does not intend to comply with the congressional subpoena and will “see what happens” if the committees decide to enforce it.
For Rudy to suggest that he will “see what happens” is a precursor for an insanity defense or alcoholism or some other inane excuse. He’s in big, big trouble.
The “Contempt of Congress” case should be a slam-dunk.
Giuliani is saying that he is the judge of whether any Congressional subpoena is legitimate or not. That’s not how this works.
And if the House refers this matter to the DoJ and they “choose to not prosecute”, Barr should be impeached. (I mean, in addition to the fact that impeachment of Barr is already justified.)
The House needs to act quickly and arrest him and hold him in contempt of Congress.
Even when he tries to lie and cover up, he exposes more and more corruption.