Giuliani Pals Were Arrested At Dulles Before Flight Out Of The Country | Talking Points Memo

I’m one of the ones on the ground next to you.


My guess is they were trying to go home to Ukraine which would mean Frankfurt, Paris or Amsterdam then on to Ukraine. They never had a chance.


Help! I’m trapped in a Tom Clancy novel and I can’t get out!


LowBarr is busy doing a whistlestop tour of Italy, Montenegro, (insert rando balkan country), and Greece to encourage them to find some long-buried dirt on Biden (try not to smudge the wet ink).


So if they are already in federal custody, a subpoena will skipping the hearing not an option for them, right?

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Does it matter? The fact that they were scarpering just prior to testimony is pretty damning regardless of where.

Although, my guess is somewhere where there’s not extradition treaty.


Should have booked Aeroflot. Or a boat.


Yes, I noted all that above (in a later post) – but we haven’t heard anything from him since Italy. Apparently, he’s still over there, which is a heck of a long trip for the AG who has no real business doing what he’s doing anyway.

He has to know at this point, that he’d only be putting oil on the fire…

Or perhaps he really is that dumb.


5 finger 5th is an option

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It does, if only for more precision in the snark. And they had already indicated they would not show up to testify (no subpoenae yet).

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Had they gone to Key West and put the word on Duval street they were looking for a “night fishing trip” 92 miles out they’d be in fat city. That’s the way everybody with a half a brain does it. I’ve done it a few times. Cuba doesn’t give a shit as long as you have a few bucks to spend.


Excellent point.

Also, since subpoenas have begun raining down on the belligerent in the last couple of days, one can easily deduce that they wanted to get out of the reach of subpoena servers.

Which smells like Ghouliani, if you ask me.


Not bright people we’re talking about here…


Scheduled to give a talk at Notre Dame on Friday: Trump critics plan to protest William Barr talk at Notre Dame's law school


Somebody at another blog linked to a tweet saying this:

"In addition to Parnas and Fruman’s arrests at Dulles, a third defendant, Andrey Kukushkin, has been arrested and is expected to appear in court Thurs in the Northern District of California. The fourth defendant, David Correia, hasn’t been arrested. "

( )


I’m confused by this development. I thought Rudy was the hero of this whole thing?


Thanks – I actually haven’t cared enough to waste spend time on checking it out.

Whaddya think, will he call in sick that day??

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I’d say @mondfledermaus was correct, but with Barr.

And just an observation, during the time that Mueller was investigating didn’t they pick up, stop a few people that flew into Dulles or JFK?
You know if I were a “smart” criminal and needed to get out of Dodge fast so to speak I wouldn’t fly out of an international airport that has already had people held, pulled off flights, or taken into custody that have been mixed up with Trump.

ETA: I guess we are all smarter than these two. Didn’t read down thread before commenting.
Also I never read, or have read spy novels, I just sold them. So this knowledge on how to get out of the country without using a major international airport is probably common sense.

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Yes, he’s a meatball sandwich.


RudyColludy’s reference certainly would credence to that…

Also: we are not dealing with smart people here…

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