You got that, the Music Museum and the Palace. I prefer the pastry.
Dead men tell no tales, and they don’t wear plaid.
“The Road to Kyiv” would be far better with Crosby and Hope. Sometimes revivals just do not work in modern times.
But he wasn’t dead for much of the story.
Waking up every 3 hours, crying and peeing himself?
So which is which? Bing and Hope, Lev and Igor. But wait there should be a Dorothy Lamar unless we use this stand in.
Trump says he might attend Russian military parade
Great reporting. Makes the subscription worth it.
But he kept his cards close to his plaid vest.
He oughta be IN the parade. He’s Putin’s most destructive weapon after all.
Defection or deflection?
I don’t put much cred in the religious thing but if there is a hell they’ll put those, lime beans and beets on a plate and make me eat em for eternity.
Agree with everything you say, which is basically what everyone with any foreign service experience has been saying. It is the part about the primer on Eastern Europe that is never going to happen - most Americans live in a lazy bubble of ignorance in which we are the greatest country in the world, and we have the greatest healthcare system, and we build all the best buildings, and our politics are a shining example - some of which used to be true, most of which is being rapidly destroyed by willful blindness bought and paid for by the monied interests of this country.
Absolutely he should go. And the moment he sets foot on the tarmac in Moscow, the folks should just slam the door, turn the 747 around, and head home.
And it all goes back to lifting sanctions for the Crimea invasion, right?
Trump muscles Ukraine. Ukraine knuckles under in a ‘peace plan’ with Putin. Trump gets to tell Congress that Putin and Ukraine have settled their differences. That gives the GOP cover to lift the sanctions.
That or a cabin door malfunction at 37,000 feet?
Talk about a MOAB…
Oy. Orly Taitz. Thanks for that callback! NOT!
Thar ya go. Just imagine Rudy in a sarong. What more do they need?