Giuliani Distances Himself From Parnas After Explosive Interview: ‘Believe Him At Your Peril’

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani tried to distance himself from his buddy, Lev Parnas, on Tuesday night after Parnas gave a damning interview about President Donald Trump’s involvement in the Ukraine scheme.

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We will probably believe him, pending corroboration of his statements, at YOUR and Trump’s peril. Does this mean you won’t be sharing any more expensive cigars with him?


:musical_score:Who bribed who? Who bribed you?
Who bribed who? A’int nobody told you?
Who bribed who? Who bribed you?
If you bribed them and they bribed you,
Who picked up the bill and WHO BRIBED WHO?


Lev’s Bill Barr shoutouts were my favorite dish from last night. Lev might be a bum but he connected a lot of dots last night. Cons are the lowest forms of life in our country—not a judgement just an observation.


We should all be thankful Bill Barr had absolutely no role, and nothing to do with any of this, in any way at all.


You’re going to die in jail or in exile, Rudy


Quick question Rudy
Who froths at the mouth and has openly admitted crimes on TV?
Who just delivered a calm explanation of the pressure campaign conducted by you Barr and Trump?

…Whatever bug eyes


Looks like Lev has corroborating receipts… so, there’s that.


There are lies and disinformation among Parnas’s blabbings. Of course he is to be believed at ones own peril, just like everyone in Trump’s orbit. Including and especially Rudy. The whole point of Trump is to appeal to self important fruitcakes, publicity hounds, fabulists and bullshitters.

For awhile Cohen was a Dem darling for cripes sake and don’t forget Aventti who I actually saw touted as a Democratic presidential contender in some forum.


Reservoir Dogs!


It’s cute that Rudy thinks he has any credibility at all.


Oooh, ooooh! Food fight!!!


Did you notice they were all watching last night with Rachel getting missives before the program even ended from Giuliani and the Justice department denying everything
Justice Dept : 100% false,Not we’ll look into and decide or provide contradictory evidence. Nope 100% false because reasons


I feel sorry for him and his family.

That sounds like a veiled threat.

When will Ghouliani ever be arrested for anything? He has this fake ‘attorney-client privilage’ BS that he’s hiding behind, and also fake ‘executive privilege’ - which I don’t even think counts since he’s not a government official. This bubble needs to be burst. He has to be indicted or subpoenaed and put under oath - immediately.


“Believe him at your peril.”

Pot meets kettle, the age-old story.


Rudy appears to be thrashing about …
Numerous text messages & voicemails & videos & selfies provide structureral support for the substance of the idea that this was all a hideously corrupt endeavour … yet crazy Rudy is desperately waving his hands & saying “don’t believe him”
It is all crazy and absurd … but would seem
Occam’s Razor … still applies … the fact that the pieces fit together in so many ways supports plausibility pretty effortlessly.


with all due respect… Don’t forget Individual 1 was implicated as the Instigator in the crimes of Cohen


See, the rich irony here is that the people who could possibly refute all of this are unwilling to talk or to testify.

So, yeah, Rutabaga, IMPOTUS, LowBarr – tell us your side of the story under oath ('cause you can be damned sure Lev is gonna swear on the Bible and repeat what he just told us).

If you’re all so pure as the driven snow, then come on, pull on your big boy boxers, take the oath and tell us how it “really” is. 'Cause the only chance you’ve got that we’ll believe you is when you’re in the box.

(And, yes, I know, they’ll probably perjure themselves anyway, but they will think thrice about it with all of the paper trail…)


Schiff or Nadler would have subpoenaed him and forced him to testify. But you know, investigating are hard.

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I guess he’s like nine-tenths of humanity and walks around seeing himself as the world saw him for a few moments in his glory days long ago. He doesn’t see himself as he is now, and I sure don’t blame him.