Rudy Giuliani spent a week desperately dodging being served a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems after publicly suggesting he welcomed the legal challenge, the New York Daily News reported Monday evening.
Seems like an officer of the court intentionally evading service of official papers of that court ought to be one of the few things, other than sleeping with your clients’ commingled money, that a state bar really ought to take seriously.
His change of status from America’s Mayor to the sleaze of Sasha Cohen’s dreadful movie - from the pinnacle of admiration to the bottom of the barrel of disgrace - has got to rank as one of the greatest free falls of all time.
Isn’t that disgraced former nyc police commissioner and current felon Bernie Kerik in the pic accompanying this story? Thanks to you Fox, talk radio and the internet these horrible characters never go away. Trump was right that he could shoot someone and get away with it. It’s time we addressed propaganda before it’s too late!