Giuliani Claims Dems Want To ‘Kill’ Him Due To Ukraine Ramblings

literally kill me

Giuliani is paranoid.

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Is this the same Latvia whose relationship with Russia is as complicated as the Ukraine’s relationship with Russia?

Bullshit Rudy.

Or an airplane ticket?

And it’s damn good to have ya back too!!

Well, I for one don’t want to kill him. But, that said, if I hear of his passing I’ll know someone found the box of dirt he sleeps in.

Uhhh… I do. Literally.

I don’t agree with the overwhelming desire by Democrats to kill Giuliani. First he has to dress up as a woman, confess his crimes on live TV, be forced to eat weird stuff like they do (or did back in the day) on Survivor and The Amazing Race, and then be killed, but not before he’s had a chance to throw up in a golden bucket and then drink the contents of the bucket, every darn chunk of it. If he does that, and sticks out his tongue to prove that he drained the bucket, he may live. Otherwise, he dies.

Why would we want to kill one of the greatest sources of incriminating evidence? Only Trump himself does a better job of compromising his own associates.


That’s not just drooling. That’s what Trump would call some “world-class” drooling.

Delusions of a man that is more than slightly off-center.

WHO is the Biggest Whiner??? Show of hands? Dersh or Rudy? I’m thinking we can get Donnie to host…

Since when was the community of Ukrainian and Russian hit men comprised of Democrats? Besides, how many Dems would ruin the front bumper and front alignment of a $130,000 Mercedes S just to whack him? And he’s too, um, large to be put out of an upper story window and if you throw him off a roof he’ll start bloviating, blow up like a balloon, and float safely to earth.


I don’t want to kill poor old Rudy, but I do think he should be trump’s roommate in the hospital for the criminally insane.


I’d rather see a Soviet mafia figure, who one simply does not disappoint, express his disappointment with Rudi G in the traditional way.

as they say in the mountains…that boy ain’t worth killin’…

No martyrs, you pathetic asshole. We want you to keep talking non-stop in public, confessing to all the crimes, incriminating the Pumpkin Traitor, providing video proof for generations of what happens when people vote repug.

He ain’t wrong … if he’s talking about this Democrat.

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@ cervantes Unfortunately, they already are!

I don’t think anyone I know would be terrribly upset over the discovery of his body, face down in a dark alley in a spreading pool of internal liquids.

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