Just seconds after denying he asked Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani readily admitted that he did, in fact, do just that.
Just as a side note to the main topic of Rudy Guilani doing his interpretive eyebrow rage dance rendition of the “You’re damn right I ordered the code red” speech, a little advice to CNN:
When in the spirit of bending over backwards to get extreme right-wing conservatives to stop calling you liberal you invite one of them on your shows and he spends a large percentage of the time just screaming at you that you’re a sad, biased sellout, it might be time to consider the fact that they will never stop calling you that no matter what you do and all you’re doing is polluting the discourse by enabling them to come on and abuse you and the rest of the country on a regular basis.
Rudy: “Maybe if Obama did that the Biden Family wouldn’t have bilked millions from Ukraine and billions from China; being covered up by a Corrupt Media.”
I guess Joe Biden better amend his financial disclosure statements, eh Rudy?
Agreed. This is what happened with the Muller report and Stormy Daniels. He blithered for weeks until the public was immune to what happened. The portion of the public that are dolts, that is.
But again, what are democrats going to do about it? Nothing for sure… Oh! They are going to sue them, great idea! That has worked so well this far… Impeachment? Absolutely not, it will anger “Independents” and motivate them into voting for Trump.
I’m waiting for Fat Ass to Tweet about how proud he is of Rudy’s fantastic job taking on Chris Cuomo and CNN and all of their “fake news” and the Deep State and chemtrails…
The mendacity of the Liar-In-Chief and his minions is not just over the top BUT it has dangerous consequences and is pernicious to our national security.
And Trump is at it again - Quid pro quo with foreign leaders for personal gain - illegal help to win election/hurt political opponent! Trump is once again BETRAYING America and violates his oath of office while derelict of duty!
Trump has fiduciary duty to act in the best of America and that means NOT profiting from office/personal gain. AND Trump has never acted for the best of America…it has always been for his self interests…trademarks, funneling business to his failing properties, loans to his family, govt contracts to his cronies…on and on!
So for the Russiagate/Mueller Report doubters, open your eyes, ears and mind about the crime, corruption and betrayals that Trump has a pattern of committing in time for the 2020 elections!