Girl In SOTU Speech Attends Charter School | Talking Points Memo

The Philadelphia fourth grader who President Trump shouted out to in his State of the Union speech Tuesday to promote school choice reportedly already attends one of the city’s most desired charter schools.

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The mom is right, it was a scam…put a black family up there, say that they are being blocked from success by the government, and then step in and “save her”. The racism is pretty plain, especially the part where blacks need a white savior, and meant to fool black voters into thinking that Trump has their backs.

Classic Republican playbook, try not to look racist in an election year by covering up their racism in the rest of the years. They are going to have to lie a lot in order to put that one over, I’m hoping the minority communities in America don’t fall for the propaganda this time around.


I mean, the mom is right to want to take any advantage she can for her daughter but charter schools only exist because we’ve damaged public education so much


To the extent that a charter school offers a superior education, well, that’s obviously a good thing. The problem is that they only offer such an opportunity to a small minority of children, are hugely wasteful of taxpayer dollars, and take away money that could be used to improve public schools and make it possible for all children to have superior educations. But everyone here knows all that.

Btw, it just occurred to me that the 45th president has never reached 45% approval in any average of polls (Gallup, like Rasmussen, always adds 3-4% somehow). Whereas Obama, the 44th president, rarely went below 44%, and was usually well above it. Ain’t math fun?


I wonder what Chiselin’ Trump had to say about this girl (and you just know that he must have said something):


Yet another episode of “Dull Surprises.”


…The same thing that he and his dad said about those people moving into trump properties back in the 70’s…


“Trapped in failing government schools…”

Trump’s been president long enough to have initiated efforts to improve those schools.

Instead, he chose to reduce the federal government’s role in education, then dis those who are trying to make do with less.

I guess he won’t be happy until we all spell worse than he does.


“I was kind of hesitant to answer [when a call came from Washington]. I thought it was a scam,” Davis told the Inquirer.

Ms. Davis was right, it was a scam. Not by her, but by Trump on the American people. Typical.


This story of Trump’s sloppy lying in an effort to pander to black Pennsylvanian voters needs to be hammered upon repeatedly in election ads and campaign rally speeches.


All of the lying and manipulation comes out. Trump and his minions do not care. This little girl and her family were used and no doubt will end up in campaign propaganda. It was a scam.


More from The Philadelphia Inquirer, it was not even a “scholarship” but rather a donation from a very wealthy white would-be patron. You guessed it…

Grifters gotta grift, and phonies gotta be phonies.


Hey, if we’re gonna be fair, Republicans (and some Democrats) have been doing this since before I could vote.


Thing is, at this point in his term, there shouldn’t be anyone in the country who isn’t already a diehard supporter who answers that call with anything but a finger in the air.

And I forget which self righteous “conservative” WaPo columnist (Marc Thiesen?) who wrote about the predicament Dumpster put Speaker Pelosi in by making her choose between cheering for the success of a little girl and offending public school teachers. Whoever it was deserves to have a charter school shoved down his throat.


So, they were paid to be there as props. Well, Limbaugh was a prop too so there’s that. Trump’s record is perfect as far as finding a way to ruin the special moments of people by his very presence.


Another phuqin lie. I so glad this pair was allowed to join in.

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Hey, lady … YOU WERE USED.

Jesus Harvey, what is wrong with people?


Yeah, if public schools could choose their students, it would be a level playing field:


““I was kind of hesitant to answer [when a call came from Washington]. I thought it was a scam,” Davis told the Inquirer.”

" The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help".

[Ronald Reagan.1911-2004"

You were right to be skeptical Mrs Davis,but glad it worked out for you and your daughter.


They were used as unsuspecting props according to the story. They had no idea. The daughter already attends a highly sought charter school (MaST III, tuition-free since it is taxpayer-funded), yet DeVos personally deducts from her taxes for a scholarship… to where?

The Davis’ are wondering whether it makes any sense to leave the charter school and give up the scholarship. I truly hope this story gets out.