Gillibrand: Romney’s ‘Hero’ Scott Walker Got Rid Of Equal Pay For Women Laws | Talking Points Memo

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) chimed in Sunday on the battle for female voters, making an impassioned case that President Obama’s policies are far better for women than those of presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

As he campaigned across Wisconsin, Mitt Romney repeatedly praised Governor Scott Walker’s leadership, calling him a ‘hero’ and ‘a man of courage.’ But with his signing yesterday of a bill [making] it harder for women to enforce in court their right to equal pay, Walker showed how far Republicans are willing to go to undermine not only women’s health care, but also their economic security. Mitt Romney has repeatedly dismissed the effect of Republican efforts to roll back access to contraception and other health care services, on the women’s vote, saying that he would appeal to women by talking about their economic concerns. If this is the case does Romney think women should have [the] ability to take their bosses to court to get the same pay as their male coworkers? Or does he stand with Governor Walker against this?

its great thanks for sharing this wonderfull info…