A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo.
Special forces in Germany have broken up an alleged terrorist group that … get this … were plotting to overthrow the government because they believed “Germany is currently ruled by members of a so-called deep state.”
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1441470
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Qanon is a major threat to the world.
Madness. Complete madness
How is it otherwise rational people can get sucked down the rabbit hole?
Be nice Eustace
I was heckled by members of my own department. They called me a piece of s— and mockingly called me a great f—— hero while clapping
ProviNG that LIBtards are EneMies of the exTREMELY and HISTORICAlly LIBeral police whO theY wanT to DEfund, WhY? SO theY can BecOME welfarE queens, DRIVE cadillaCS and Eat lobSTER.
I do believe those missed handshakes did more to destroy the GOP than even Trump.
Old money glides through life on a raft of expected politenesses.
This is how you treat white trash, which is what is under the GOP posture.
Twisted white people that lead states failing since the Civil War.
Trump “pinky swears” he has no more illegally stolen documents and hired somebody to search trump tower, Bedminster and Mar-a-Lago.
They could start in the bar at trump tower in NYC cuz there’s a classified folder (empty) on public display.
Daily Beast: “Right-wing undercover operative James O’Keefe has launched holiday-season layoffs at his nonprofit amid an FBI investigation and a series of other legal problems facing the group.”
Merry Christmas!
… there, I said it 
QAnon Raid, from the NYT:
Among those detained were a member of the far-right Alternative for Germany party who had served in the German Parliament, a member of the German nobility and a Russian citizen accused of supporting the group’s plans.

Or Putin?
In other news Ted Cruz’s 14 year old daughter stabbed her wrist and was hospitalized.. The snark will probably flow but one has to wonder about the impact performative politics has on the families of MAGA politicians.
I wouldn’t worry about that. They will find someone else to blame in their never-ending quest to deny their own responsibility for what is happening to them.
How glorious if DOJ already has information on where more docs are hiding and they’re just requesting the certification to hammer one more nail into the coffin.
Trump Org Convicted!
The direct impact of the verdict on Trump’s eponymous company will not be devastating. It faces a fine of $1.6 million. Sentencing is set for Jan. 13.
Yeah, you GO, Alvin Bragg. That’ll teach them, you pansy ass excuse for a DA.
Time for Ted Cruz to stop being a MAGA idiot and look after his family as a father should. But for him that would be a heavy lift I think.
McConnell and McCarhty are as guilty as Trump for the beatings and deaths of those DC Police Officers.
Those 2 should have never been allowed at the awards ceremony or even in our Country.
Thankful Sen Warnock won but have to ask if Walker will stay in Georgia or run back to Texas?
Happy to hear Trump’s International branch of QAnon have been captured or on the run.
Remember the social media meltdown of Kellyanne Conway’s 15 year old daughter? Being the child of a monster is rough. Just ask Kerri Rawson.
You know, yesterday (Dec 6) is Nikolaus (St Nicholas Day) here in Germany and other countries — kids put out a shoe or a boot (instead of a stocking) the night before and wake up to it filled with goodies and presents.
So, our collective goodies and presents delivered by St Nick yesterday are Trump&Co officially declared a criminal enterprise, Warnock winning, subpoenas delivered…oh, heck, just too many prezzies to count!
Happy holidays, all!