Georgia SoS Forced To Shut Down Election Conspiracy Theories MTG Is Spreading On Alex Jones' Show

Originally published at: Georgia SoS Forced To Shut Down Election Conspiracy Theories MTG Is Spreading On Alex Jones’ Show - TPM – Talking Points Memo

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is by now used to playing the straight man in the dark comedy that is Donald Trump and his supporters’ endless hijacking of his state’s election administration to spread MAGA conspiracy theories. But he was forced to dispel yet another mind boggling myth this week, propagated by none other…


So “the voter pushed the wrong button” turns into “the machine flipped the vote!”? Only in MAGAland could someone make a mistake and be innocent of the consequences. Really, their lying is way out of hand at this point, it sure would be nice if the liars were held accountable.

Interesting that Harris is going to Texas…they must think a stop there will help Allred, or just trying to make a dent in the media noise the way Trump tried in CA and in NY this week. I don’t think that Harris just wants to make news though, she’s running a focused campaign, so they must really think it does some good somehow to have an event in TX and get some fired up voters out there for it. It’s unlikely that TX will flip, but Allred could pull out a win which is almost as important as Harris winning, if the Senate goes Republican it’s not a good thing.


Exactly. Campaigning in Texas says three things. One, that Harris is on the offense, two that Harris wants to support Democrats down ballot, and three that all Americans are important.


I do not find this funny, nor am I making light of this. But notable.
From CNN:
Political fundraisers WinRed and ActBlue are taking millions of dollars in donations from elderly dementia patients to fuel their campaigns

Ultimately, some of these elderly, vulnerable consumers have unwittingly given away six-figure sums – most often to Republican candidates – making them among the country’s largest grassroots political donors.


There’s at least 5 million women in Texas primed to vote and they ain’t thinking gop.


Ol’ Raff better get ready. He’s gonna have a whole lotta stories popping up like this when all those women vote for Kamala over reproductive freedom if their MAGA husbands look at the printouts.


Ari Melber just interviewed Geraldo Rivera, who is now endorsing Harris. About Trump, Geraldo said, “He would do or say anything.”



“…Election Conspiracy Theories MTG Is Spreading…”

She’s spread worse things.



Marge better be ready for her lawsuit from Dominion. They are flush and ready to take on anyone who continues to lie about them.


The Jewish Space Laser, government controls the weather to steal land from North Carolinians lady, MTG is at it again. .


“Drooling imbecile MAGA voter (but I repeat myself) presses wrong button” non-story.
Unfortunately MTG has no hope of losing the election, but might lose the defamation law suit.
Good on the SoS for shutting it down so quickly, I’m not sure he’s a republican as he appears to have some concept of honor and public service.


Geraldo would know, since HE would do or say anything as well!


Yes. It was quite a comment that wasn’t lost on anyone.


To be fair, there was more of value found in Al Capone’s Vault than in Donald Trump’s head.


How many of us thought this happened before we saw the end of the article?
This happens all the time.That’s one of the great things about the ballot in GA- you can double check your votes before scanning.


Gotta admire her courage. She won’t let those Dominion bullies silence her. The EoBS is at stake!


Can we rightfully assume that the vote that was ‘flipped’ ended up for Kamala instead of TIFBG?

Can you imagine for a moment that there would’ve been a complaint had it gone the other way?

And has anyone explained exactly what DID happen that the vote was changed and what the remediation is for making sure it never happens again in any form? ETA: for clarification, there should never be a ‘wrong’ button to push. Ever.


Like the Dodo and the Passenger Pigeon, there were a very select few left prior to their complete extinction.

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As I read it, Republican politicians have a fetish for yelling at government volunteers and employees. Not the kind of boss I’d want.

Vote for every Democrat.

The forty-year “conservative movement” was wrong. It’s time for change.