Georgia Judge's Abortion Decision Will Reverberate Across The South, Albeit Temporarily

Originally published at: Georgia Judge’s Abortion Decision Will Reverberate Across The South, Albeit Temporarily - TPM – Talking Points Memo

Fulton County Superior Judge Robert McBurney issued an order Monday striking down the state’s six-week abortion ban and allowing the procedure to be performed again in the state up until 22 weeks of pregnancy. The order means that Georgia is now one of the most permissive states in the South when it comes to abortion access, joining…

Absolutely nailed it.


This is the kind of jurisprudence that makes me proud of the state and federal benches.


A judge revisits the meaning of “liberty,” and finds that it means what it sounds like it means.

A whole lot of people are once again trying to survive in the wreckage of civilization after Mother Nature has opened a big can of whoopass on them. You’d think some would start thinking about things other than other womens’ uteri.


TCF is going down hill fast. You need to plug in your cell phone to use it? Today was just a photo op for the campaign just like Arlington was. I just hope main stream media reports this without the sane washing.


A Judge in 2024 coming to basically the same conclusion as the SCOTUS 50 years ago. Further evidence the Roe was a sound decision.


They are more likely to double down on regulating uteri to distract from their mismanagement of the disaster relief.


compulsory labor

If you’re lucky to get to that point.


Even that can be dicey


Never again will I depend on any court. Courts are just people who tested well on a bar exam and were good enough politicians to fool a lot of people into thinking they really give a shit about their neighbors. They are no better than most evangelical preachers, only a little smarter.

You realize the charges against Adams are subject to a motion to dismiss because of John Roberts’ war on the law against bribery.


Relevant, adjacent question regarding Missouri Amendment 3 to reinstate status Roe ante: My antiabortion mom tried to get me to attend some “seminar” with an antiabortion lawyer so he could gove a “legal perspective” as though he doesnt have an agenda. I tuned her out because I knew it was bullshit, but something about trafficking “young girls”. Anyone know anything about this line of bullshit, so I can counter it when she inevitably brings it up again?

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The six-week limit is and has always been complete bullshit.

If you’re a religious fanatic who has no problem killing women over your mentally ill delusion that an invisible sky daddy told you that life begins at conception, then what exactly is the fucking difference between a clump of cells at day 42 versus day 43? The right is willing to play this blatantly obvious game of a six-week ban knowing full well that people will lose their shit if they ban all abortions right away, but make no mistake That is their goal. Once they get six-week bans locked in everywhere, then as sure as Kavanaugh is a fucking drunk with a gambling problem who was bailed out by his billionaire owners, they will eliminate the six-week limit and that’s it. Game over.

I cannot believe no one else is screaming this from the rooftops, instead discussing a six-week ban as if fanatics can be reasoned with.


Many judges get it right. Most Justices do not.


Perhaps because most Judges are men?

That does not make any sense.

Asking for a friend, is it whoopass or woopass?

Life can be so confusing. To say nothing about spelling.

Apparently we have a high rate of trafficking in MO. What the Google gave me is that it is not just girls, it can be anybody. Most girls trafficked for sex know their trafficker.
As to how this fits in with Amendment 3 I have no clue. Unless the lawyer wants more girls trafficked.

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I would add that post Roe I was taught that life doesn’t begin until after the fetus can survive outside the womb. Up until that time the fetus is dependent on the women for survival.
Now it gets a bit thorny that if someone kills a pregnant woman, and the fetus is not developed enough to be removed from the uterus, then the killer is charged with killing two people.
What I have yet to see any antiabortion group step up to pay the medical bills on a women whose fetus is not developing, or has severe medical issues like missing parts of it’s brain, and is forced to carry a child that will die shortly after being born.


This is the kind of jurisprudence that makes me curse the scummy six, and assorted other district and appellate clowns, that have shit all over the reputation of the federal judiciary.

He did his X meeting with Elmo using a cell phone with a battery pack. Maybe that confused him.