Georgia Joins A Cadre of Red States Seeking Control Over Local DAs

Georgia’s state legislature is considering a bill that would create a state-run board with power to investigate and oust local district attorneys.

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The urban/rural divide is so obvious here and the other states pursuing these actions. Rural politicians hate the fact that the areas generating whatever wealth the state has may have different priorities.


And so the people it takes a web on non-profit churches built on the slaver’s gold to elect now take over the Law.

I’m sure everything will be fine.


Sounds like a coordinated effort. Is ALEC involved?


Hmmm. Sounds something like Putin would do.


What this does is take away local control and give it to the state.

That is residence elect their local officials and now if a majority of outside the locality don’t like it they can take control.

It is clearly racist.


The nerve of these “rogue” DAs, having the temerity to investigate and prosecute those who break the law! Don’t they know about IOKIYAAR?


It’s also clearly fascist. Does anyone know if the fed can get involved in this kind of scenario?


We don’t want Jordan sticking his nose in Bragg’s business.

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We are no longer a nation of laws. We are a nation of weak men.


I believe you are making if not a mistake, a distinction without a difference.

Racism, if it is not fascism, is clearly anti-democracy.

That is to have a democracy everyone must have an equal voice. Racism means some have more of a voice and others have no voice.

It is why fascists have historically relied on racism to gain power.

Historically, once you have a society where not all are equal, where their are two sets of standards, it does not take long before almost everyone who supported having two sets of standards realize the “privileged” standards do not apply to them but by then it is to late to do anything about it.

The truth is in America, most White men have more in common and interests more aligned with gay Muslim Black women than they do with Donald Trump, George W Bush or the other White men that currently have power in the Republican Party. But it is also true that if left to their own devices by the time most White men realize this face, they will have given not only their wealth but also their power to do anything about it…


Trump does criming. Anything that helps this is anti-Democracy


“We will obstruct any attempt to prosecute our cult leader Trump. That includes firing any local prosecutor.”

GOP run states


That would be a really good bet!


Gee, this sound a lot like what Netanyahu is trying to do in Israel, that is to end democratic checks and balances.


I said also.

In fact Bibi is trying it but for now the Israelis are fighting it.

Is urban/rural code for black/white? As long as black DAs go after other blacks everything is great it is when they go after whites (who commit crimes) that the Republicans in charge decide to interfere.

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If anything, fascism is not about local control.