These guys just permanently lost themselves Florida. When there are counter-protests in the villages against trump (the important sub-text of the “white power video”) they have lost.
No amount of gaslighting can make people forget who is responsible for the massively elevated level of infection in Florida, nor who did victory laps in May as they reopened the economy w/o safeguards, and the economic damage and death that is coming Florida’s way is going to be New York City epic, if not worse given less robust Heath care systems likely to be quickly swamped. And the contrast with other states that were not lead by sociopathic fascist boot-lickers Is going to be stark.
Making your entire (older) voting base not only fear for their lives, but lose them, is not a winning electoral strategy.
Mr. Gaetz (R-Drunk Driver) is a goddam idiot. If we want to play the numbers game then let’s zero in on the only two numbers that matter- the R factor and Capacity.
The R factor is a somewhat unknown estimate based on evidence, but the capacity number is a Hard F-ing Target. If it’s going up, you have more cases. Period.
Regardless these dumb-asses have played with fire and are in the process of burning down the house.
Wonder how many (excess) funerals there have already been in The Villages… Wonder how many there will be in the coming 4-6 weeks… Wonder how many neighbors, partners and spouses have to die before it sinks in there’s something wrong… Wonder when it occurs to the resident Trumpsters that the “hoax” is killing them off more quickly…
They all conveniently omit to mention that hospitalization is up as well. They can’t explain that with this bullshit, so they don’t even try. Didn’t he have the virus? It doesn’t leave you with a diminished ability to be a jackass, apparently.
I blame Matt Gaetz’s very existence on testing – testing that went horribly, horribly awry. They should have just smashed and incinerated THAT test tube.
“As a word of caution, I would not expect the new team to continue the same level of accessibility and transparency that I made central to the process during the first two months,” the data scientist added. “After all, my commitment to both is largely (arguably entirely) the reason I am no longer managing it.”
Rebekah Jones is not only a dedicated professional.
She is a hero.
She has “only” an undergraduate education and she’s quite young, having left school less than a decade ago.
Ms Smith : “Well, as you know, President Sasha Obama felt that banning them was anti-democratic, but after the overthrow of the electoral college, the people voted them banned.”
So the asswipe can’t even bring himself to mention masks because his boss is against them? And yeah, radical shutting down has worked pretty much everywhere it’s been done. Does require actual shutting down, though.