Lieutenant Gov. of Georgia, Geoff Duncan (R), on Wednesday offered his support for Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) who is “telling the truth,” in spite of calls for her ouster from Republicans wedded to former President Donald Trump who refuse to reckon with the danger of false claims about a stolen 2020 presidential election.
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“Just like Liz Cheney, I believe in telling the truth,”
And yet, he calls himself a “Republican.” That party parted company with “the truth”, not to mention “facts” and “science”, decades ago.
just like Liz Cheney, I believe in telling the truth.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!! Oh, my ribs hurt… Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha…
AND then there is my girl Nancy…
“Word is out that House GOP Leaders are looking to push Rep. Liz Cheney from her post as House Republican Conference Chair – their most senior woman in GOP leadership – for a litany of very Republican reasons: she won’t lie, she isn’t humble enough, she’s like a girlfriend rooting for the wrong team, and more,”
“It’s just still hard for me to believe that any Republican thinks that it makes sense to fan the flames on stuff that’s been debunked a million times, all in pursuit to trying to keep one person down in Florida happy. It doesn’t make sense,” he added.
Tough for any rational thinking person…On the plus side…Trump’s Facebook ban was upheld this morning so it will be harder to sling Bullshit en masse going forward…
Excuse me. Lt. Governor. Please step outside. Your bus is here.
There is some funny stuff in that interview
Geoff Duncan, Liz Cheney and Mitch Romney can legitimately claim that they haven’t changed is the Republican Party that left them.
They’re trying to wrest control from the Qrazies and and give it back to the nutjobs.
Really? Cool. Now lets do Facebook itself.
It was a pre-existing condition. Let’s not forget that like Cheney, Duncan wants to make it harder to vote, to lower taxes on corporations and the wealthy, to deny lgbt equality and to ban abortion. He just doesn’t want Trump to run the GOP.
What interests me is how we keep getting these recurring brushfires of rationality. During the election there were howls of fraud everywhere but the people actually responsible for the process, serious wingnuts all, blandly said look we counted the votes and authorized them and ratified them and did all the formal stuff three times and Biden won JFC get over it. And it continues. That phrase “one person down in Florida” is exactly how I think of Trump myself. He’s a private citizen, and if you want to say he remains influential I think you have to specify exactly how and what it means. He’s a disgraced failure. And there’s a kind of network of GOPers who still have power themselves and don’t want to be led by him and don’t mind saying so.
“any Republican who thinks that it makes sense to fan the flames on stuff that’s been debunked a million times, all in pursuit to trying to keep one person down in Florida happy.”
Quite unlike Dorothy, when the Republicans click their heels and make a wish they stand at attention their right arm and hand extends straight out and it all makes sense to them and the “one person down in Florida”.
Maybe there were others that wrote ‘confessional letters’ to try and get a pardon and he’s holding that over them? It makes no sense to me why they still want to bow down to him - he’s a pathetic ranting liar.
Today’s republicans aren’t what the tag says they are. Rather, they are members of a cult of personality. They reject law, they reject democracy as in one person, one vote no matter the voter’s skin color or their economic status. They want control of who votes anyway and with the clear intention of controlling the outcome. Welcome to authoritarian government where your voice does not matter.
McCarthy doesn’t like Cheney, repulsive as she is on her ideas of policy, because she believes in following the law and supports democracy. This is clear as can be.
The Gombe Chimpanzee War was a violent conflict between two communities of chimpanzees in Gombe National Park in Tanzania. Over a span of eight months, a large party of chimpanzees separated themselves into the southern area of Kasakela and were renamed the Kahama community.
During the four-year conflict, all males of the Kahama community were killed, effectively disbanding the community. The victorious Kasakela then expanded into further territory but were later repelled by another community of chimpanzees.
Decent chance that this all ends with Dear Leader ranting into a microphone while hundreds of his followers drink poisoned Kool-Aid.
I struggle to understand why people cling to daddy figures. Reagan’s patriarchal hold over the Republican party lasted a few decades. Now here comes another one. The differences between Reagan and Trump could not be starker. Yet in our time, millions of people outside of what seems to be an isolated clique of Republicans like Cheney, Duncan, and a couple of others grasp onto Trump as though he is life-giving. The culture and psychology of the whole damned daddy phenomenon boggle my mind.
I think you just answered your own question!
Probably the obvious–he remains popular with the rank and file, so the cowardly timeserver types in office will be sure they keep mouthing support for him and back up his fantasies etc. But not every officeholder is a coward. Many are thick-skinned, aren’t scared of a fight, and think pretty well of themselves. And this looks to them like a fight they can win. This one explicitly said he thinks the base will come back.