Fulton County Special Grand Jury Completes Trump Investigation

The Fulton County special grand jury, which has been investigating whether there was any criminal interference in Georgia’s 2020 presidential election, has completed its eight-month investigation, according to a judge overseeing the panel.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1444873
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If you want to dance you got to pay the band. It’s tfgwwnbn turn to pay up,


Is there a reason why the grand jury report shouldn’t be made public?


Welp…Trump loves to be in the News:face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’m terribly confused. No indictments? I was kinda hoping for indictments.


I can’t imagine a prosecutor going to all this trouble of impaneling a special grand jury that looks at the information and evidence for almost a year only to determine that it was a big nothingburger and decline to indict. I dunno. IANAL and we live in weird times, so we’ll see. If Trump’s not indicted on this, it will be a green light for every pol in the state (and perhaps across the country) to launch pressure campaigns against elections officials in Georgia in every election knowing they can browbeat, bully, and extort the results they want with impunity.


Hope Fani Willis follows the law and charges Trump. I doubt that department will ever get a clearer fact pattern involving direct, manifestly willful attempts to strong arm elections officials to change election results, and, failing that, a backup plan to substitute fake electors in place of legitimate ones and use them and the state legislature to throw out valid election results. It’s cheating plain and simple.


The special grand jury can only report, not indict. Indictments, if any, will be up to a regular grand jury.


This GJ was specifically constituted for a single investigation with the intent that indictments could be issued by a regular GJ. Special judicial rules in GA I assume.


In this case… maybe not, but in general, yeah, there likely is. THe rational is this: Grand Juries hear from witnesses that the prosecution presents, there is no attempt made to provide balanced testimony, and the “accused” are not permitted any opportunity to rebut any testimony offered or even to cross-examine witnesses, thus, if a Grand Jury declines to indict, making the evidence presented to the Grand Jury public would tend to be grossly unfair to the subject and targets of the investigation.


The special grand jury that heard the testimony and evidence is not empowered to indict, but the report is supposed to be presented to a different grand jury with regard to indictment. That’s a future step in the process.


Ah. I was unaware. Thank you.


I am unable to comment, one way or another, on the quality or “fineness” of the grinding, but I can certainly confirm that the wheels of justice do, indeed, turn slowly. I mean, FFS, it’s already past lunch time on the East Coast.


At a minimum, this little item will be in the news (along with Jack Smith’s activities) for some weeks…all the while that Gym Jordan and crew do the Klown Show.


I must confess… ever since November 8th, 2022… or, as soon thereafter as the results of the contest for the House became clear, I have been convinced that we’re engaged in a [slow-motion] race to determine if the Rule of Law survives Trump, or not. I’d like to believe that I already know how it ends, but my anxiety tells me that it’s still anyone’s race.


Thank you.

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Oh I think there will be an indictment of “Individual one” at least.

and this thought … Any bad day for donald trump is a good day for me.


Trump not going down here could set a pattern. You’d have a bigger band if you’d play the guy out.


We’ll have to wait and see if another grand jury indicts.

If the GJ report is made public–and I hope it will be—Trump will look exceptionally bad and an indictment might be more likely.


Most of the time the road looks arduous (that’s the Opposition’s Intent). Quite simply, the Right wishes to use our tools against us.

That is the only way they succeed.

We are too powerful otherwise. Too many educated and confident people. Too much democratic tradition. Too much spirit.

But bluster and Performance Art, along with our aforementioned tools, are quite impressive-looking.