Fulton County DA Gets Racist Threats Ahead Of Charging Decisions In Trump 2020 Probe

The war may have ended, but the North lost the peace. They were not willing to monitor the South after Reconstruction and eventually lost the interest and will to impose justice, so the South resorted to Jim Crow and the KKK to punish Blacks.



A lot of great work has been coming out of the J school at NU lately, the Athletic Department sadly, not so much…

I’m shocked that right-wing racist fuckheads would threaten a black female DA who is leading criminal investigations of their Führer


I’m ashamed to have to share a country with these mouth-breathers.


Oh, and speaking of racist knuckle-dragging disgraces to humanity…


Of course she is getting racist threats. She is black after all. Come back to me when the guy calling identifies himself as John Barron and he has a funny Queens accent.


I suspect something is gonna go down soon in GA. The Congressional Black Caucus had planned an event honoring John Lewis there later this week that was postponed until a later date. Dump might be on the midnight train to Georgia.


I’m rooting for Fulton County DA’s office, the grand jury, law enforcement and the judiciary. These courageous folks know exactly what they have on their hands. I hope they have all the support they need to see this through safely and successfully. Their mission in pursuit of justice is every bit as intricate, complex, and dangerous as any executed in a hot zone…


Part of me is hoping that the worst scum come out and meet the response they deserve.


The most interesting development so far today is the poll published in the New York Times. It shows Biden and Trump essentially tied at 43% and shouts the sky is falling for Biden. We are supposed to be terrorized by the poll but I look at this as having only one relevant number 43% for Trump. That is about the highest possible percentage he will achieve in the next election. Biden will get everybody else. Right now a lot of Democrats are worried that Biden might die or have a serous health set back in the next year at a time there is no Democratic backup plan in sight. If it gets to an election they will vote against Trump rather than for him.


Racist threats
That’s Georgia
Yet millions will vote for a twice impeached, twice arrested, twice indicted with an added suprrseding indictment. 74 felony counts. Over 40 % of America is ok with that.
I am not


If…if the GOP fuckery, aka, “No Labels” can be neutered.


I hope she is forwarding all of this crap to the FBI.


This one poll may well be an outlier. Virtually every other poll is showing Biden winning. Of course, that is no reason to let up. We still have to knock on doors and make sure we get people to the polls.


Trump received 46.1% in 2016, 46.8% in 2020 and picked up another 12 million votes.

This! And it can change society for the worse in many ways, most of which we can imagine but hate to think about.

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Not in Georgia.

I wonder how many are coming from the Trump family.

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Fulton County DA Gets Racist Threats Ahead Of Charging Decisions In Trump 2020 Probe

The logical conclusion seems to be that these lowlifes would be OK with her investigating Dump if she were white.

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Take my word, 43% represents Trump’s ceiling. The same number is Biden’s floor. The numbers in 2016 and 2020 were before January 6. Trump lost some steam after that.