For perhaps the first time in a debate during this Democratic primary election cycle, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was treated like what he was — the frontrunner.
I hope that tv ads are less tepid in their attacks on Sanders. I didn’t watch, but that sounds pathetic. Someone needed to sacrifice themselves to get the details of Sanders’ political past out there. Klobuchar, for example.
“It will kick 149 million Americans off the their current health insurance in four years,” Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) said.
Well, notwithstanding the reality that there’s about a zero percent chance of MFA happening in 4 years, she failed to mention that the idea is to get most of them on cheaper and better insurance instead that is regulated at the federal level and doesn’t deny needed coverage or exclude preexisting conditions. She’s using classic RWTPs. The problem with MFA isn’t the concept, but the political and financial reality that it can’t be done this quickly. When you get to the point where you’re telling de facto lies, you’re basically near the end and throwing everything against the wall.
Meh, I think we overstate the political importance of Cuba’s elderly Castro expats. Most Cuban-Americans are second and third generation or later and have moved on to more contemporary concerns. I mean, are the French still bitter over Algeria? Not quite the same but still.
The real challenge in Florida is winning over those bubbas in the north.
Dems were never likely to win Florida, anyway, not with this batch. It’s turned into Alabama with a piece of California tacked on. Man do I hate stupid white southern racists. Almost as much as Illinois Nazis.
I guess when you wrote it’s a real challenge, you meant you were giving up?
Got a list of the states you already concede to Trump, if Sanders is the nominee?
Virginia? Ohio? NC?
My rule for debates it that no policy should be touted that cannot be gotten through a Mitch McConnell controlled Senate or brought into force by Executive Order. That rule would have cut that debate down to 20 minutes - a chunk of which would have been talking about life mottoes.
Bernie finally caught incoming fire and he did not handle it well. “My way or the highway” is never a good approach in politics. It is obvious that governing using an absolutist strategy will go nowhere. Look where it has taken Trump. He has gotten virtually nothing done in the Congress beyond the 2017 tax cut which really was a “gimme” given the GOP Congress and the rules of reconciliation.
Biden looked the part tonite. If he can beat or tie Sanders in the Super Tuesday states, then we may have a horserace and not a coronation.
One other point - circumstances beyond anyone’s control can move the needle more than the candidates themselves. This coronavirus is serious and could kill 200,000 people in the US alone and tank the economy. The S&P is down 7.5% in three days. If this keeps up, given the incompetence of the Trump administration in doing anything right, by November, ANYBODY could beat Trump, because we will be in a totally different place, and any of the Democratic healthcare plans, including the ACA, will look better than Trump’s response to the coronavirus. A vote for change will look like a lifesaver.
Apparently, tickets for this debate cost several thousands dollars. Perhaps that explains the odd booing heard when Sanders criticized bloomberg’s billionaire support and Warren criticized his NDAs and mentioned his “kill it” comment to a pregnant woman.
Hard to imagine the democratic base booing either of those lines.
Then there were raucous cheers for Bloomberg at many points - like on a comment about NYC schools. SC residents are going to get that riled up about NYC schools?
Both the booing and cheering sounded freaking weird, too - delayed, slow to build, oddly pitched, and strangely drawn out. I guess that’s how bought people boo and cheer.
I live in an area that is very heavily Chinese and I mean Chinese as in Chinese citizens versus of Chinese extraction and COVID 19 is having impacts on all sorts of social interactions and behaviours. And that is with only a handful of cases in the country. If we get a pandemic there will be a lot of odd consequences. I don’t like my government but I have trust in the health officials who are guiding them. In America’s case could a health official guide Trump? Biden, Warren or any Democrat yes but Trump?
The Charleston County Democratic Party website says “The only guaranteed way to get a ticket is to become a sponsor of the debate.” Sponsorship ranges from $1,750 to $3,200 each for attendance to multiple “First in the South” events.