Fox News Channel Won’t Air Jan. 6 Hearing

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo.

Fox News announced on Monday that Fox News Channel won’t be airing the House Jan. 6 Committee’s public hearing during primetime on Thursday. The primetime programs will only cover the hearings “as news warrants,” according to the press release.

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WHY woULD fOX newS daNE to sHOW thIS fake NEws TRIal?


Fox News announced on Monday that Fox News Channel won’t be airing the House Jan. 6 Committee’s public hearing during primetime on Thursday. The primetime programs will only cover the hearings “as news warrants,” according to the press release.

Their staff is working overtime to pull together stories on Benghazi, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and giraffes.

  • “Your duties are imperative to ensure the end result — a win in Georgia for President Trump — but will be hampered unless we have complete secrecy and discretion,” Sinners wrote in the email, which was obtained by the Washington Post and CNN.

Still doesn’t directly implicate TFG. He could reasonably deny any such connection to this communication.

However, Fetterman’s doctors are “all confident” that he’ll make a “full recovery,” Giselle Fetterman said.

I’m sticking with my six weeks post-surgery proposal.

After a short break, the weekly primary streak resumes in California, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota today.

Any TPM representatives from these locations on line today - keep us apprised.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), who made it to a runoff GOP primary in the Alabama Senate race, is openly begging people to get Trump to “re-endorse” him after the ex-president yanked his coveted blessing away.

Brooks just might get it too. TFG is in love with himself and someone pleading for recognition is right up TFG’s alley. Watch for it.

First Lady Jill Biden held a White House ceremony to unveil the new postage stamp honoring late First Lady Nancy Reagan on Monday, six days into Pride Month.

This is far too ironic, given Nancy’s history with the AIDS epidemic. I’d just say no to any of this honorarium.


I knew it. The hearings are going to be counter-programmed by Fox and this whole thing is going to wash down the memory hole. What I’d like to see is message discipline from Democratic candidates similar to what you get from the GOP. If Jim Jordan and Devin Nunes can answer every question from the media by talking about Benghazi, surely Democrats can muster the focus to remind everyone that democracy is on the ballot, every chance they get.


NaNCy had MANy gaY friENDs anD did Push (unsuccessfullY) for the adMInistration to pay attention TO the GAY plAGUE.


Those people will never change their minds anyway, fuck them.


In honor of the platinum jubilee in England:


You intrigue me. Just curious: How’s your life going generally? Things good? That attitude working for ya?


A 12-hour prime-time presentation about a peaceful tour of the Capitol, is NOT news!!1!111!


I gotta wonder if Reality will ever smack FOX upside the head and make them come to the realization that they need to cover it.

Probably not.


Personal life is good, but in terms of my outlook for this nation, I’ve been better. I consider myself an optimist generally but national politics has been a steady tilt towards disillusionment for most of my adult life, dating back to Reagan. Cautious Realist, maybe, at this point?


Enough people would have to be willing to cancel cable so Fox doesn’t get those carriage fees.


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced on Monday that his office was investigating Twitter
Well it’s not like Tesas had other prioritizes for their tax dollars. Everything is so fine and dandy there


They won’t change their minds, but they will vote. Because of my demographic I’m friends with many of them and, oddly, many are otherwise good people. The kind that I’d want as neighbors if it weren’t for their vile politics. I can’t change the world from my couch, but over drinks and jokes I try to pry open their worldview on occasion. I come to sites like this to piece together what is happening in the world and try to exert my influence where I can.


Anyhoo, if FOX wants to do things that fit its ideology but don’t make good business sense, that’s fine with me. It’s not adaptation, the thing that enables various entities to survive and thrive, and again, that’s fine. Humans can live in the Arctic or on the equator, giraffes can eat stuff that’s high, foxes find they can live in the suburbs, it’s adaptation everywhere you look. Not all FOXes, mind you. Just the smart ones. The dumb ones who can’t adapt will be talking about caravans or some shit. And following their audience into their graves. :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:


Fox News = Cancel Culture


I cannot remember the name, but in Batman Begins, Ra’s al Ghul gasses a district in Gotham with ‘Fear Gas’, a nerve agent that gives rise to psychotic delusions. The Batman glides over it and says ‘The xxxxx is lost’. That’s what I feel about regular Fox News viewers. Those people have chosen to enter an alternate reality and they are not coming back. The audience for the Jan. 6 committee was always going to be people who still are willing to listen to new evidence and still have the ability to draw new conclusions.


“…the congressman speculates; that Trump thought taking away his endorsement would trick Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) into “thinking we couldn’t win” and would therefore stop attacking Brooks.”



Just like the New York Times, All the News that’s fit (fits our agenda that is) to print.

Nothing new here, water is still wet, up is not down. Fox News exists to tell its viewers what they want to hear.

Remember when the insurrectionists were chanting “Fox News Sucks”? Well they sure learned their lesson. If you know the news is going to hurt the feelings of your viewers, then don’t cover it.

The news in Fox News stands for Not Even Worth S**t.


Fox doesn’t speak to Reality. Fox wants nothing to do with Reality. Fox is dead to Reality.