AOC 22% and Omar has a 9% favorability–according to FOX. Anyone watch their press conference last night? On point, on message, and gutted Trump like a fish.
I assume Brit Hume’s severance package includes a requirement for him to continue publicly supporting insane crap. Forgetting how synonyms work is probably just understood to be a part of that.
Co-host Greg Gutfeld pointed out that Trump’s initial tweet said “why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done.”
“So how many racists say leave, then please come back and help us? I’d say probably zero,” he said.
These were not racist. This was about patriotism. When did ‘Love it or leave it?’ become racist? Not only leave it, ‘hey, come back and help us fix our problems,'” he said.
Funny with all the complaining Trump did in the 2016 campaign, during his run up to the 2020 campaign, and in reality whenever he opens his mouth about how he alone “Can fix this”, he now is telling 4 WOC to go show him how to do it?
If one looks at the resumes of the 4 members of “the Squad” they have been apart of working to fix things before running for Congress, where is that part on Trump’s resume?
No matter what they say, the subtext was “what a debacle.” When Ingraham calls it “an unforced error,” when you defend something as being “nativist, xenophobic, counterfactual, and politically stupid” so that you can avoid recognizing the racism, you have slipped into a bad place. None of those people are saying that it was wise, appropriate, or helpful. In past years, those responses would be considered attacks rather than defenses.
I don’t care what this know-nothing set of rubes at tRumpTV says. No matter how hard they try, they can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube.
Nothing tRump said can go back to being a coded dog whistle. We all heard what he said.
The cat is out of the bag.
Try as they might, Gaslighting won’t work. I really think they realize this. That’s why they trying so hard to find some way to undo what he said or lessen its awfulness. Again, won’t work.
Of course FN is siding with Trump. But it’s showing how contorted their efforts are. How willing they are to spout shit without really thinking about what they are saying.
Yes, Trump is a racist - I get it.
But IMO focusing only on the racism overlooks the idea of FORCED, MANDATORY “patriotism” that the rightwing has long pushed and weaponized.
It also overlooks Lindsey Graham still peddling the totally fabricated accusations of anti-semitism, already aided by dumbass Democrats who still kiss Israel’s political ass.
Oh, they’ve thought about it. Their responses are carefully devised to (as others have noted) gaslight their viewers, or at least provide plausible excuses to explain away what is so blatantly obvious.
OT, but Josh nailed this…thank you to him for saying nicely everything I mean when I’m ranting like an ass:
“Demanding denunciations, asking for Republicans officeholders to say it’s wrong, somehow gives them all too much credit. Better to say this is who you support. We knew this was him yesterday just as much as today and whether you express “deep concern” or even a more fulsome criticism hardly matters because you supported him and followed him yesterday and you’ll be doing exactly the same thing tomorrow. And because of that support, to voters, to everyone who isn’t a diehard in Trump’s camp the message should really always be the same: You have one chance to end this in 18 months and you have one chance to send a real message to every elected official who supports it. Everything else is just preening or deflection or playing again a record we’ve heard before.”