When attorneys for Dominion Voting Systems asked NewsCorp Executive Chairman Rupert Murdoch whether Fox News “endorsed” the idea that the 2020 election was stolen, he knew exactly which talking heads were responsible.
He did, in one and only one. And that one time he did attempt to litigate in court instead of the press has gotten his law license suspended, likely permanently.
I’m not expecting either party to prevail in summary judgement. This is just the de rigeur formalities before the main shitshow commences, kind of like playing the national anthem before a Cubs game.
I do not understand this comment from the article:
“a victory for Fox News might provide the Supreme Court with just the egregious — and politically scrambled — case they need to rewrite libel law nationwide.”
Does it matter who wins. Both sides, especially FOX, if it loses will appeal to the Republican first and only Supreme Court. That is the Supreme Court, regardless of which side wins, will, if it so chooses, to use the case to rewrite libel law.
An infomercial came on at midnight two nights ago and he has expanded his merchandise line into mattresses.
Mike was very proud that he had “reverse engineered” mattress design, touting the coil springs.
At the end, unbelievably, a couple was taking delivery at their house and the thing was rolled up into a cylinder for small size, bound together with those yellow straps that you can cut open with scissors.
Hey, it’s a great deal! He throws in sheets and pillowcases with your purchase!
Regarding Rupert, say hello to his soon to be fifth wife. She looks like Jerry and is 26 years younger. Who among us isn’t wondering how he gets it up and keeps it up.
@deuce He’s keeping all the sheets and pillowcases near by for the marital bed.