Fox And Dominion Settle At Last Minute - TPM – Talking Points Memo

Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems resolved the case, the Delaware judge overseeing the $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit said on Tuesday.

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This is a loss for America. Instead of having to answer for their lies publicly, Fox gets to write a cheque and move on. No on-air statement will be as damaging as we need it to be.

Either America survives, or Fox News does.


This is crapola…


I really hope this include Fox having to make public, on-air apologies and clarification that they knowingly and repeatedly lied about the 2020 election, and that it is a fact that Trump lost, and there was zero malfeasance on the part of Dominion in Trump’s loss.




You know this how?

The details of the settlement are not yet known.


I didn’t say there would not be an on-air statement. I said no such statement will be as damaging as we need it to be.

Apologies if my sentence structure was unnecessarily hard to parse.


This is not a great day for democracy.

I have so many questions. Fox HAS TO admit it lied to cure the harm, because there are Republican Secretaries of State who buy voting machines and are standing by the theory Fox came up with that the machines are rigged for Democrats. And if Fox admits it lied, that’s going to be some really strong evidence that the families of those killed and injured on 1/6 can admit in their lawsuits.


Well, not a surprise, Fox was going to be crucified by this trial…I wonder if the composition of the jury scared them into settling, or just the general fear of a trial.

It’s too bad we are not going to get testimony by all the Fox regulars, stating under oath how they operate and how they lie to their viewers. It would have opened eyes in the conservative world at least. On air statements won’t have the same effect…Fox will survive this settlement, to the detriment of our democracy if they aren’t scared into not pulling this stuff again.

EDIT: Fox has now released a statement now, which basically claims that “This settlement reflects FOX’s continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards.” In other words, they have learned nothing and think they got away with it, and that’s probably right since all they lost is money that they can afford to lose. They couldn’t afford to have their employees on the stand explaining how they lied as a matter of policy. So, my statement above looks to be accurate, our democracy will be hurt because they think they can go on as they have.

I guess we’ll have to hope Smartmatic has the same success that Dominion did, except they go through with their lawsuit and we get the trial that Fox apparently requires to knock some sense into them, presuming that’s possible.


Special master appointed who can depose anyone on anything on Fox’s dime. Case settled.

We can only hope that part of the settlement is an on air, oft-repeated admission of “we lied. We lied about everything.”



Smartmatic on deck. Fox News may breath a sigh of short lived relief, but this shit is just getting started for them.


It’s a wonder that whoever wrote this wasn’t struck by lightning as soon as it was written.



This is just unbelievably disappointing. Dominion could have gotten everything they had ever dreamed for and had Fox by the balls, yet they chose to settle when they had all the possible leverage. They could have ended the biggest organization made to spread lies in the country and decided to give it all up before it got started.


I hope the sons-of-bitches have to admit their knowing lies as often and for as long a time as they lied…meaning Tucker, Sean, Laura, Maria and all the bastards have to admit their lying on every show for months and months, just like they spewed the lies. Any type of one-time “admission” will be very far from just.


Exactly right. Let’s hope Smartmatic is less inclined to settle than Dominion was. And let’s hope this settlement agreement does not allow Fox to avoid admitting liability for its many lies.


Dominion only got $787.5 million!!! Why the hell did they settle when they didn’t even get half of what they asked for?!!


Don’t hold your breath.

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Knowing the M.O. of the Right, I have hopes that the reality–when it comes out–will be the Opposite


And the Hopium lets down its fervent addicts once again.

Don’t worry, there are plenty of other Sabbetai Zevis on deck: Alvin Bragg, Jack Smith, Smartmatic, Fulton County, the moral arc of the universe…