Fowl Play: Trump Bravely Vows To Fight Utterly Fabricated War On Thanksgiving | Talking Points Memo

3-9 just about the complete country, check out…


Indeed, I was going to add that we see similar items today, but with the bigotry buried in the subtext.

Even though Fox and Friends are scratching their heads about the origin of this lie, here is the Fox News headline:

Trump vows not to change the name of Thanksgiving despite cries from the ‘radical left’

followed by an article that attempts to bash Native Americans for white colonist’s genocide and land grabs.

Happy Native American Heritage Day (the Friday after Thanksgiving, otherwise known as Black Friday)!


What’s one more windmill for them anyway?

I say Easter. After all, what’s not to hate for us leftist liberals about a hippie Jew who preached equality, egalitarianism and equanimity and the abandonment of greed, avarice and calloused indifference to our fellow human beings and did it so well that he proved himself an imminent threat to the established power structure that thrived on those sins, resulting in them torturing him to death, him willingly martyring himself in the name of those principles and to give humanity a second chance to avoid ending up precisely where we are now? What’s a liberal to like about that nonsense? Dude was a prick.


Trump currently in Afghanistan to inform the troops they are to be redeployed to the War on Thanksgiving™.

Troops: Uh sir, we’d rather fight the taliban


Night of the Living Dead?

Now I understand where Trump got his confusion about alleged war on Thanksgiving: He’s conflated it with our war on turkeys which he - correctly - finds personally insulting.

Yes, I vividly remember to this day the sight of that idiot woman chattering away in front of the killing machines for turkeys. Such a heart-warming and lovely prelude to Thanksgiving.

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My college roomie and still best friend nagged her parents into putting up a tree. I can’t imagine how hard it was on Jewish children to see all the decorations at their friends’ homes and in their schools. And all of the stores decked out plus the playing of Christmas music everywhere for the month before Christmas. And there was the whole Santa Claus story as well and all the hooha that went with that.

She married into a strict conservative Jewish family so I don’t think that was ever an issue with her kids. I’ll have to ask her.

Now that I think about it, why wouldn’t you have cranberry sauce the year round? There are lots of condiments and things that give savory flavors a complementary touch of acid zing. Of course you can go to the well-known regional sandwich shop chain Capriotti’s and get a “Bobbie” any day of the year, which is turkey and cranberry sauce in a hoagie roll. Extremely popular, a near-signature offering, so there you are. Let cranberry sauce flow down on the other 364 days in the year.


Ha! I remember those. There used to be no less than two Capriotti’s in…Las Vegas. It’s regional, but also “family”, If you see what I mean.

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Hey, Facebook. Hey, Russia. Update my database profile. Put me down as proudly demonic.

Resist Trump, Franklin Graham’s false god.


You remind me that the Russian bots are already on FB, Zuck is profiting by it and so is aiding and abetting the russkies. Trump did away with the cybersecurity groups. He stands a good chance of being reelected with all his enablers.

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I don’t see what you mean. They sell a legit product and beyond that I ain’t seen nuttin’. :no_mouth:

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It’s been a while, but they were always cash only. Jus’ saying. :wink:

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They’ll pick it up and edit out the tag line. Or, they could do it Billy Barr style and just put a big black box over the tag line - make it more official looking.

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Don’t lose hope. His corpse may turnip any day.

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That is freaking hilarious! Thanks!

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Oh, I didn’t see that you beat me to it with the oysters and the poem!

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