Former senior adviser to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Michael McKinley, is expected to detail his concern over the politicization of the State Department during his testimony on Wednesday.
I hope McKinley has more specifics to offer about Ukraine and elsewhere. Although it’s probably worth him testifying just to know how much it’s chafing Pompeo’s and Donnie’s fat asses.
Buttigieg, Harris, Booker… whomever it is, s/he is going to have a hell of a lot of work to do. Even more than Obama cleaning up after George W and Dick Cheney.
Assuming the elections are reasonably fair and the Democrat wins, they should ask Hillary Clinton to rebuild her old department if willing: (1) she’s competent and respected in that community and would do the job fast and well; (2) allies would be greatly reassured, and (3) it would make Republican heads detonate from DC to Tumwater.
The thought has struck me that Trump & associates being in the White House is like having “rotten renters” in properties one owns. You know, the ones who trash the place while they’re living there, then trash it completely when eviction papers are served.
I had a friend who rented to people like that. If his experience is anything to go by, the next revelation out of the White House will be finding there’s a meth lab operating out of the WH basement.
(Maybe I shouldn’t have watched EL CAMINO on Netflix this morning.)
When the head of the State Department is a Christian bigot -and very prominently expresses those views - I can imagine how it could become a tad difficult for career diplomats to deal with all those foreign heathens.
No better way to reach out to other countries and making friends than by letting them know how inferior you consider them to be.
And this is even before talking about the actual corruption Pompeo clearly endorsed.
That’s a toughie. Barr is easier – he’s fundamentalist Catholic and will die on any hill his God requires – but I don’t have a good read on Pompeo. Even if he is as cynical and opportunistic as I suspect I still don’t think he would resign unless he was (a) impeached himself and (b) offered immunity from prosecution.
I think there are a number of people who could do this job without so much baggage. My absolute favorite is Susan Rice, whose passion I have admired. I think she gets, on a deep level, what’s wrong.
Pompeo is a True Believer of the “Prosperity Gospel” Evangelical cult.
He is an adherent of the “Rapture” fallacy and firmly believes that Israel must be protected at all costs so that Armageddon can occur at Meggido (and all the Jews then must either convert to Christianity, or be cast down into the pit, along with Democrats.)
He won’t resign (although Trump may fire him as a convenient scapegoat.)