Four former CDC directors said Tuesday that the Trump administration’s undermining of public health officials has led to a sharp rise in COVID-19 infections and deaths.
Former CDC directors agree TRump is causing deaths.
A thousand former prosecutors agree that Trump obstructed justice.
Former military leaders agree that Trump is a danger to America’s safety.
Multitudes of former State Dept personnel agree that Trump is destroying America’s reputation and power on the world stage.
Most world leaders agree that Trump is a buffoon.
Hundreds of former high level Republicans agree that Trump is a clear and present danger to American democracy.
Could someone please explain to me why this guy is still in office?
“We’re seeing the terrible effect of undermining the CDC play out in our population,” they argued. “Willful disregard for public health guidelines is, unsurprisingly, leading to a sharp rise in infections and deaths. America now stands as a global outlier in the coronavirus pandemic.”
Trump wants to be reelected. So he wants a strong, vibrant economy. And he also wants fewer people voting for his opponent than him. He is trying to achieve this by forcing children back into their schools so their parents can go back to work and we can all get infected while also reducing the number of urban voters in the Fall due to COVID-19 death or maiming.
That is exactly what his calculus comes down to. He gives less than a shit about anyone other than himself. We are all expendable.
Isn’t it rather odd that we could all be much better off if we just all wore masks in public for the next three weeks? We could very significantly choke off the spread of this virus. It makes no sense not to do it. So why is Trump fighting that? Simple. He wants prosperity AND disease to gain reelection. It is germ warfare against those parts of the electoral map that lean against him.
I am not an American politician and am as much at a loss as you are, but from what it looks like, Mitch McConnell is the primary obstruction to Trump’s removal.
There is Barr…there are the judges Trump installed…there is the ravenous Base
Of the latter three, the Base seems to be what McConnell is depending on for his power, provided they can cheat.
With luck, covid-19 will be a water shed moment like the late 70’s stagflation that brought us, with a little help from the Iranian revolutionary government, Saint Ronnie.
Hopefully, the swing this time will be back towards collective action and trust in expertise.
Perhaps, it will come in time to deal effectively with global environmental degradation.
“Some say deaths have spiked. Inside the Trump Organization, they don’t stop there. They’re thinking about all the real estate that will now hit the market, the potential windfall for drug companies, and how fear of Covid can be used to affect voter turnout. Shake things up! As long as you position yourself right, you can profit.”
And the first of those two things, judges, does not depend on Trump. Any GOP president will submit and the McConnell Senate will confirm the same Federalist Society / Heritage Foundation approved nominees. Ergo, it is only their mortal fear of the Twitter virus and its attendant loss of MAGAt support.
I think that you’re forgetting that prior to Trump a Republican President wasn’t as easily led around by McConnell. There would have nominees that a Republican President wanted, as a favor of course, that wouldn’t necessarily align with the Federalist Society/Heritage Foundation bent.