For Some Candidates, A Trump Endorsement Could Actually Be The Kiss Of Death

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It seems to me, then, that endorsements by He Who Shall Remain Unnamed should be encouraged.


I hope to see many such candidates become the GQP nominee in 2020!!




Anyone who is endorsed by TFG should fire up left of center voters.

Bring it on.


Trump endorses himself … and it accelerates his deterioration …


Let’s hope T**** gets as kissy as Cuomo.

( a phrase I never imagined saying)


Meta-POV: Trump’s incessant attempts to dismantle democracy with the Big Lie will cause people to avoid the ballot box just like they did in the Georgia Senate run-off.


The fact that it’s not a de facto kiss of death is testament to the aggressive stupidity of his ignoramus cult lemmings.


In fact, his endorsement often helps the opponents of his candidates.

I thought this was obvious from the 2020 election?

Trump increased his own votes by over 11 million from 2016 to 2020, but spurred an increase of over 15 million votes on the Democrat’s side.

The GQP still doesn’t seem to realize that whatever increase in votes that Trump can generate, he causes a larger increase in people who will show up just to vote against him.


It seems like a national figure can raise awareness of the race at the local and national level, which in turn summons local and especially national dollars. But a national figure can’t substantially change the voting preferences of the necessarily-local voters.

Given that the GOP is widely unpopular and trending downward, but Dems struggle to get voters to the polls, it seems like Dems would be best-served by finding ways for national Dems to raise awareness without explicitly endorsing any candidate. That might avoid the backlash.

A rising tide raises all boats, and (all things being equal) the Dem boat sits higher in the water to begin with.

FYI, this is what we’re up against:


Trump really loves being the “kingmaker,” doling out his “largess” via endorsements, assuming that operating by patronage is how the system works. He can’t see beyond his own ego, that his presence won’t always be a boon for “his” candidate. And of course, if they fail, it’s not his fault. They were just insufficiently Trumpy or the Dems cheated or the car broke down or the bus got a flat…it’s not his fault!


Previous presidents also haven’t been nearly as generous in their endorsements as Trump.

It is weird to see the words “generous” and Trump in the same sentence.

But the answer to this implicit riddle is that is not generosity at all.

It literally costs nothing (as he understands it) to tweet an endorsement, and when he does he is (in his mind) buying the candidates loyalty. To Trump, the candidate now owes him is nomination/election and must do whatever Trump says.

Back when he was contributing money to candidates Trump believed that contributing a couple of thousand dollars to a candidate was buying the candidates vote on any issue Trump cared about, and was outraged the politician’s “dishonesty” when this did not happen.


Hey, if Twitler’s influence is shrinking, I’m for it.

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The most harmful political figure in our history. Some Americans love him. More Americans hate him


“In late July, Republican and Trump endorsee Susan Wright lost to fellow Republican Jake Ellzey in the special election runoff in Texas’ 6th Congressional District.”

Clearly an indication of rampant voter fraud in the TX-6 runoff. Send Rudy down there asap to start an audit.


For Some Candidates, A Trump Endorsement Could Actually Be The Kiss Of Death

Of course!

We all know by now that ETTD.


Well, we all know that Everything Trump Touches Dies . . . . . . Including HIM.


I was just outside watering plants in our Arizona “dry heat” amd thought of a song by Jefferson Airplane. But now I see your visual and it goes along nicely with the song in my head…

Lather was thirty years old today
They took away all of his toys
His mother sent newspaper clippings to him
About his old friends who’d stopped being boys
There was Harwitz E. Green, just turned thirty-three
His leather chair waits at the bank
And Sargent Dow Jones, twenty-seven years old
Commanding his very own tank
But Lather still finds it a nice thing to do
To lie about nude in the sand
Drawing pictures of mountains that look like bumps
And thrashing the air with his hands

But wait, oh Lather’s productive you know
He produces the finest of sound
Putting drumsticks on either side of his nose
Snorting the best licks in town
But that’s all over

Lather was thirty years old today
And Lather came foam from his tongue
He looked at me eyes wide and plainly said
Is it true that I’m no longer young? (mommy?)
And the children call him famous
What the old men call insane
And sometimes he’s so nameless
That he hardly knows which game to play
Which words to say
And I should have told him, no, you’re not old
And I should have let him go on, smiling, baby wide

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as far as you know - fifty bucks say candidates have to pay 45* a fee