For Democrats To Win In Georgia, Messaging Should Link Race And Class | Talking Points Memo

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“…he women in the focus group could not name one reason why they should vote for the Democrats in the runoff…”

How friggin’ dumb can people be? How friggin’ DUMB?
Do they not know what a Mitch senate did to Obama? Talk about voting against one’s own interests.
I wish I hadn’t read this, it is just so goddamned disturbing.
A little OT, but let them watch this:


The stupid! It’s exhausting.


I don’t think the Democrats in Georgia can win by proving that Loeffler and Perdue are corrupt. In Republican-speak, “corrupt” is a synonym for “clever”. Corrupt is something they can understand and relate to.


Republicans have sent their classiest…


Really? A room full if Latina women who voted for Biden, but “couldn’t come up with one reason to vote Democrat in the Senate run off?”

Excuse me, but I don’t believe it. There’s more to this (fanciful?) story than the author is telling us. Did the author try out her messaging pitch on them? If so, did it work? Did they then all rise from their chairs and sing praises to the pitch?

There’s no doubt that Purdue and Loeffer have been among the worst Republican Senators in getting anything done in the Senate. And that needs to be a big fat headline, with examples. But the idea that these focus group women were motivated to vote for Biden, but are clueless now doesn’t pass the plausibility test.


Anyone else think Ossoff comes off as too “latte liberal” for Georgia? He doesn’t seem to be the type of Democrat that will appeal to a broad enough sector in Georgia. I hope I’m wrong.

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I don’t imagine they had any good reasons for voting for the Republicans either. The “focus group” is a useless tool after Frank Luntz shifted their purpose from finding out what folks think to giving them their thoughts.

But the remark does shine a light a chronic Democratic condition. They don’t define themselves well so their opponents do it for them. In Georgia today folks are being told that Ossoff is going to raise their taxes by 10K a year. That’s possible because GOP’ers have painted Democrats that way for decades and the Democrats have done little about it.


It’s doubtful he has a prayer and it’s his fault that’s the case. He’s been hammered as a “radical”, “tax hiker” and “defunder of the police”. He’s done next to nothing about it.

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This story is facile and shallow.
Anecdotal “evidence” is never compelling and never tells the whole story.


No, for Democrats to win, people have to vote.


And they are, in record numbers in the early voting for the runoff.


“Bonnie and Clyde of corruption”

See…case in point about clumsy messaging. Bonnie and Clyde were Southern folk heroes.

Change the messaging to “Ethel and Julius”.


Oh yes, one of the first things one learns in a stat course is that focus groups are not valid samples. But–big but – they can be a tipoff for thinking that may be prevalent. Let’s hope this one is not, but irrational thinking in these matters no longer surprised me. I’m reading that blacks may not get the new vaccine because of the horrific and criminal syphilis experiments in 1932. WTF?

I agree that making this connection as explicitly as possible can make a real difference. People don’t grow up understanding the strategy of divide-and-conquer even if it is all around them. It must be explicitly pointed out at every opportunity.

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Sarah Palin is the apotheosis of Karen.


Bonnie & Clyde were Midwesterners.

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Looking at the photo before reading the article I noticed Osoff was covering his Southern Culture ass with denim.
That’s not a “latte liberal” fabric.
Damn fine messaging John!

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Despite being proud that Georgia went “blue,” and being concerned about racial division, the pandemic and the economy, the women in the focus group could not name one reason why they should vote for the Democrats in the runoff.

I imagine it must have been difficult finding a group of Biden voters who have never heard of the United States Senate.


Yes of course they were midwesterners but they were popular in the South. Kinda like Prince.