For All The Dukes: Rudy Giuliani And The Golden Duke Himself Make The Championship

From America’s mayor to the face of Trump’s impeachment to the sniffling, melty lawyer leading the charge to dismantle democracy, Rudy Giuliani’s fall from grace — or at least from the decent, respected circles of society — might just have transformed what it means to be a Golden Duke.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I voted for Duke Cunningham. He was a genuine American hero. In fact he was one of my personal heroes. He went toe to toe with the Vietnamese Migs in an aircraft that was more fighter bomber than fighter and became an American ace. He was the sort of Naval Aviator Tom Cruise made movies about.

Then he ran for Congress and sold out cheap. An indifferent backbencher in Congress, selling out became his way of life. He kept selling out year after year until his corruption was complete. Congressmember for sale. Everybody knew it and he didn’t really hide it. I was sad and happy when they finally put him away.

If you are going to be a hero who sells out be like Anakin Skywalker and at least make some pretention of higher purpose. Selling out for a little cash and a boat just means you are pathetic.


Rudy Can’t Fail! Drunk, butt dialing, and full of Covid is no way to go through life.

Joe and the Mescaleros version…


My choice was Rudy. Why? well, this contest is named for “The Duke” and he will retain the fame (or infamy) that goes with it year after year. But Rudy excelled over the last year or three and should have his time of fame. Who else could melt on camera or hold a news conference at a landscaping /porn bookstore? Or more importantly slavishly promote by far the worst POTUS in our history. And last, I do believe he broke the law by attempting, as a non government employee and without specific authorization, to negotiate on behalf of trump with the government of Ukraine. The object being dirt on a potential political adversary. I believe there are laws covering this sort of behavior. So Rudy has rightly earned his place of dishonor this year.


I chose the OG Randy because Rudy is such a disgraceful clown that even a golden Duke is too much honor for him. I like to think of Rudy getting his hopes up by making it to the final round, only to have them smashed to ashes in the end, not unlike what happened during his pathetic Presidential campaign. In the end, it is right and just that Randy keeps the ultimate (dis) honor forevermore.


I voted for Giuliani this round.

Yes, they’re both disgraceful, greedy, buffoonish clowns. Men who once had their “day in the sun”, set fire to it, crapped on it, threw it in a toxic waste dump, and then set fire to the dump.
And then said “Dump? What dump? I don’t see no dump!”

The thing is, Giuliani went and did something Cunningham never thought of (at least, there’s no evidence Cunningham ever conceived of it) - he tried to destroy Democracy.

For that, Giuliani deserves a special place in Hell.

But just remember the Cardinal rule of Republican Grifters:

They keep getting worse


My vote went to Rudy because he has done incalculable damage to the Constitution for his endless pimping for the most corrupt President in American History.

Compared to Rudy, Cunningham is Little Lord Fauntleroy


I know when the betting is done bracket style you have to play without the spreads, but you can still post the scoring. @nicole_lafond can we see the vote totals for each match-up when the final results are in?

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Had to go with the Rudester. There are a lot of reasons, but the simple fact is he’s not done yet - he has miles to go before he sleeps. I keep thinking about him and his flinty glare - “I know crimes…I can smell them.” LOL - why wasn’t he gagging when First Mate Bernie was committing them quite literally under his nose?

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The final thing that determined my vote for Rudy was his scene in the new Borat movie. Blinded by his arrogance, he failed to see the setup, convinced as he was that the young woman found him attractive. The hand down the pants was the clincher.

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Next year include the Orange Psychopath for the Duke Award. It will be unanimous.
I want to see Rudy try to go to a Yankee game. The boos will shake the city. Trump’s corruption has totally been integrated into Rudy’s dark soul.


Truly a difficult decision. Rudy definitely has the edge in public buffonery, but he has absolutely nothing to show for all his corrupt efforts. Indeed, many of them have backfired spectacularly, up to and including helping to get Trump impeached. In stark contrast, the O.G. Duke was highly successful at being corrupt for many years. The man got paid, he got laid, he got wasted, and he got a boat. That’s the tiebreaker for me – the Dukester was a winner at corruption, and Rudy is a complete loser at it.