Reiterating his calls for additional witnesses for the coming Senate impeachment trial, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) seized on a statement Monday by former National Security Advisor John Bolton, in which Bolton said he’d testify without a court fight if subpoenaed by the Senate.
If this puts additional pressure on Senate Republicans to have witnesses testify, that’s certainly a good thing.
I don’t think Bolton has thought this through. If he can testify to the Senate, then what possible legitimate reason is there for why he can’t testify to the House Committees?
Sneed says “Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has countered that the Senate should follow the example of the Clinton impeachment trial, where decisions on witnesses weren’t made until after the Senate had finished the initial stages of the proceedings.”
This is disingenuous. Bill Clinton’s Attorney General, Janet Reno, appointed an independent counsel, Kenneth Starr, to investigate the Clintons’ business deals. There has been no DOJ investigation into Trump’s Ukraine extortion scandal and Trump has completely stonewalled the impeachment. Since these two impeachments are not the same, the proceedings cannot be the same and still be fair.
Bolton hasn’t heard his name in the news recently. Just be driving him nuts and he needs to stir the pot. Those book advances aren’t going to solicit themselves…
Speaking to reporters in Tehran, the long-reigning tyrant expressed puzzlement and dismay that Trump had not given him the adulation that he has showered on seemingly every other totalitarian in the world.
Now god dammit any article that points to the Clinton impeachment needs to include the information that Shumer included yesterday on the talking heads show. All of the witnesses in the Clinton goat rope had already testified and given sworn statements in the House impeachment hearings and that information was relayed as part of the impeachment articles to the Senate. McConnell is attempting to distort the truth again and if we don’t fight back with how the Clinton impeachment really went down then who is going to get the truth out to the rubes?
Thanks for explaining it in this way. I posted below knowing that someone in this brilliant crowd would point out the difference that Ms. Snead neglected to do in her reporting. It is critical to understand the differences as McConnell attempts to create an alternative narrative.
it doesn’t matter. The Clinton impeachment rules were the result of a bi-partisan compromise, and if you have to go into a long winded explanation about all the differences that might make the Clinton impeachment irrelevant, you’ve already lost the argument as far as public perception is confirmed.
As for Schumer’s statement, it was pretty bone-headed. Bolton did not acknowledge that he had to testify as a result of a Senate subpoena (“John Bolton correctly acknowledged that he needs to comply with a Senate subpoena to compel his testimony, if issued”). He merely said that because the issue was not going to be resolved in the courts before a trial, that if subpoenaed he was “prepared to testify”.
Schumer’s statement is probably not going to go over well with Bolton – and Schumer needs Bolton more than Bolton needs Schumer.