Florida University Blocks Professors From Opposing DeSantis’ Voting Law

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things.

The University of Florida has barred three professors from testifying for plaintiffs against a law championed by Ron DeSantis that restricts mail-in voting, curtails drop box hours and limits who can provide food or water to those waiting in line to vote. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1392783
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I wish Gov DeathSentence would get one… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

(Though I am completely against the death sentence – but am willing to make an exception in a couple of cases.)


GOP candidate: Michael Flynn trying to run extortion plot on U.S. officials to reinstall Trump | Salon.com


For more on the University of Florida self-inflicted fiasco, see:

There needs to be a full court press in two political areas: (i) the hypocritical claims by Republicans that they and they alone are able to control what facts can be discussed in the courts, press, and mass media, and (ii) the complete and open presentation of the unprecedented efforts by Trump to subvert this country’s national elections. We need to know who was involved, what they did, and what they tried to do.

I hope the Attorney General is up to this task, but I am not confident. Whatever happened (and continues behind the scene), the citizens of this country need to know the full truth. We must openly deal with this issue, regardless of how it appears or if people think it will cause additional pain. Reality is just that, reality, and we as a Nation need to know the facts. I understand Congress works slowly, and that is fine, but it must also be realized that the Jan 6th Insurrection issue is getting bigger and bigger, and those involved must be challenged and brought to justice if found guilty.

At a minimum, Congress must have trials for those House and Senate members who directed aided the efforts that are contrary to our Constitution. I recall people didn’t want to impeach Nixon as they thought this Nation would not be able to withstand the pain, but we survived and Nixon resigned before being impeached. Any member of our government, at any level, who was involved in attempting to overthrow a properly elected official needs to be held accountable.

Meanwhile, stay away from Florida and Texas. The leadership at these two places (among others) is crazy. I believe that President Biden and his recovery plans will slowly make most people agree with his positions as they will see the help that we all need, but at the moment, the only political party worth a damn has a paper thin majority while the Republican Party is hell-bent on the destruction of this Nation. Where are the voices of the moderate Republicans? Where are the congressional votes of the moderate Republicans?

Remember what all Republicans did, how they accepted Trump, how they thought they could control him and use him to enact their draconian social programs, how they allowed hundreds of thousands of US citizens to die from covid-19 in some bizarre social engineering program, how they routinely minimize the rights of large groups of US citizens. Never forget, never forgive the Republican Party and its members.


I have heard and read the states being described as ‘laboratories of democracy’. Under Republican governors they are quickly transforming into ‘laboratories of fascism’. A possible dystopian future is being revealed to us on a daily basis.


Fascists are deserving of punishment. Harsh punishment.


Jen Psaki tests positive for COVID-19 | Fox News


I’m reminded of the state employee whistleblower who objected to their cooking the books on covid statistics and was charged with a process crime for having done so. It really is state-level authoritarianism, with criticism of the regime prevented or punished by various official sanctions. Been said before, of course, but when we talk about the danger of smarter Trumps this is what we’re talking about. And one big trouble is people who either don’t see how failing to defend rights leads to them leaching away, because they can’t think about abstract stuff or much else very well, or people who favor it because rights are vaguely liberal-ish and liberals complain when they’re infringed on so they must be bad.


I can’t even make a Mr Vice-President DeSantis joke at this point.
Do the 3 professors have tenure; are they established enough to push back on this?


There are probably grievance procedures but ultimately they’re fighting City Hall on this if the administration is committed to not making waves. They know who pays them. If they’re tenured they might keep their paychecks but find themselves with new and unexciting jobs in the tutoring center.


Polls show a very close race . McAuliffe has had an advantage for weeks, but FiveThirtyEight now puts Youngkin slightly in the lead.

If Virginia is like the rest of the country, I’m not optimistic about winning there anymore after watching Chuck Todd explain all the details in a new NBC poll:

Seventy one percent believe the country is headed in the wrong direction.
Biden is over 8 points under water in the 538 poll.


And they also don’t realize that allowing the state to take away rights from other people also gives it the ability to take away rights from you as well.


Oh yeah. First they came for the Communists etc. That’s that difficult abstract thinking I was talking about, where it matters even if it didn’t happen to you.


First they came for the liberals…


Funny how you don’t hear anything from them about FREEZE PEACH!


Anti-vaxxer Screams For Schools, Town Halls To Be ‘Burned To The Ground’ | Crooks and Liars



Academics must take a stand against Florida universities deciding truth is whatever the demagogue says. It’s all a coordinated right-wing attack on American institutions, courts, and truth itself (stifling academics.) Its brought to you by the same folks that called the insurrection just a grassroots spontaneous outpouring. We now have the truth about the insurrection - the documentary evidence - “the receipts.”

The best way to boil a frog is slowly, the same applies to stifling dissent - do it slow and small - no big deal, right? After hearing misattribution lies by TFG, we now know the January 6 insurrection was bought by those hungry for even more power and wealth. The power of truth should not be given away to a partisan Florida governor who is looking to prop up a disgraced, twice-impeached, anti-democratic ex-president afraid that we’ll find out the truth. Dr. Birx herself said that at least 100,000 deaths can be traced to TFG’s mishandling of COVID-19

American Association of University Professors frequently vote to sanction universities for “substantial non‐compliance with standards of academic government.” AAUP should act against this power-grab, or the Florida schools should quit calling themselves universities. Either that, or rename themselves UF - University of Fascism and FSU - Fascist State University. Here is an example of AAUP in action:


FYI Moderate my ass…Susan Collins
Collins took more money from the billionaire behind Breitbart than from all of Maine | Beacon (mainebeacon.com)


Did you guys read the stories about commercial pilots saying “let’s go Brandon” during cabin announcements? I am livid. The Air Force is churning out undemocratic assholes.