Florida Senate Bends Knee, Passes DeSantis’ Gerrymandered Congressional Map - TPM – Talking Points Memo

The Florida Senate has approved along party lines a heavily gerrymandered congressional map after Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) vetoed the legislature’s proposal and demanded the erasure of a plurality-Black district in North Florida. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1413769

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Be very afraid…


Florida Senate Republicans Bend Knee, Pass DeSantis’ Racist, Gerrymandered Congressional Map


SCOTUS has been adhering to the legislature creating maps. The GQP legislature submitted a heavily gerrymandered map. DeathSentence wants a bigger base so there’s no chance of him not getting his way.

I know how SCOTUS rules on a lot of things, but wonder how they feel about this moron.

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Let the lawsuits begin . . . "Release the Kracken!"


Hmmm. How long before the Florida Legislature begs DeSantis to graciously deign to be Governor for Life?

If I were a bettin’ gal (I’m not), I’d put money on this dude for 2024.


If all you did was manipulate the map to reduce representation of black people, how is that not a violation of the equal protection clause as recognized in Miller v. Johnson?

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He really is shameless. Anything to stir up the masses. And everything to bolster his control. Take over a Legislative function. Go after a company because it questioned your idiotic laws. Intimidate and demonize the LGBTQ+ community. Find CRT Lurking in math book word problems. He and Abbott are trying to outdo each other’s viciousness and stupidity.
Ya gotta wonder just how far he wants to and thinks he can go - and if you do, it gets pretty frightening.

Viktor Orban’s model
Dunno what the FL press is like, but that there is no thunder emanating seems to indicate they’re too marginal for FascistFuck to bother with.
Love to see Disney Corp unleash its creatives on shitbag DeSantis. Disney is the original Influencer. They have the kind of power fascist regimes only dream about.


Because it’s ok if you are Repubican.

I am seeing, increasingly, where even the courts aren’t really interested in protecting the right to vote. Maybe not all of them, but more than I’d like to see.

Everyone is afraid of InSantis.

However, this morning, there was this (from Heather Cox Richardson’s ‘Letter from an American’):

…[T]he most inspiring approach to the midterms came this week from Michigan state senator Mallory McMorrow. In response to a colleague who had called her a “groomer” in a fundraising email after McMorrow stood up against marginalizing the state’s LGBTQ population, McMorrow made a stand against the hatred and bigotry coming from Republican colleagues. Defining herself as “a straight, white, Christian, married suburban mom,” she called out the “performative nonsense” of her so-called Christian colleagues. “People who are different are not the reason that our roads are in bad shape… or that healthcare costs are too high, or that teachers are leaving the profession,” she said. “We cannot let hateful people tell you otherwise to scapegoat and deflect from the fact that they are not doing anything to fix the real issues that impact people’s lives.”

Recalling historical heroes who tried “to right wrongs and fix the injustice in the world,” she reminded her colleagues that “each and every single one of us bears responsibility for writing the next chapter of history. [We decide] what happens next, and how WE respond to history and the world around us.”

“We will not let hate win.”

This, right here, needs to become the narrative for the non-GQP candidates. Stand up to the nonsense. Call it out and be relentless about it. This needs to apply, not just to the grooming nonsense, but all the rest of the BS the Right is spouting. The Left has to find a backbone or be marginalized for a generation.


I ask again…how is this legal? HOW IS THIS F*CKING LEGAL?


“Bends Knee”? More like “Bends Over”.


DeSatan’s map is a travesty, violates Florida law and what remains of the Voting Right’s Act.

Therefore, the map will be rubberstamped by the 100% GQP appointed Florida Supreme Court and the US Supreme Court won’t touch it.

This is proof I’m getting old…I mean this with all do respect…huh? :slight_smile:

It’s OK if you’re a Republican. Very common internet short hand.