During Wednesday’s arguments over the language of a proposed ballot initiative to protect abortion rights, Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Carlos Muñiz kept returning to a well neither side had briefed.
“The state currently has a 15-week abortion ban, with a six-week one tangled up in court. If the state was operating under his preferred approach, abortion would likely be banned completely.”
Alcohol passes through the umbilical cord to a fetus. Providing alcohol to a minor is illegal in almost all states under any circumstance. If some get their way regarding the beginning of life and the status of a fetus, wouldn’t it mean women have to be barred from consuming alcohol during pregnancy?
Florida voters are the only ones that can fix this. They keep voting for these people, so they must be ok with it.
The judges were appointed by Republican governors. How did Florida get Republican governors?
The legislature is as follows:
The Senate Chamber is located in the State Capitol building. As of 2022, Republicans hold the majority in the Senate with 28 seats; Democrats are in the minority with 12 seats.
As of 2022, Republicans hold the majority in the House of Representatives with 84 seats, and Democrats hold 36 seats.
I have friend that fosters infants with fetal alcohol syndrome that have been removed from the custody of their parents. He and his wife are saints, and they endure a lot of grief and hardship doing it. They’ve done this for decades, often with multiple infants in their home. Anyone spending an afternoon with them would leave thinking a pregnant woman has no business consuming alcohol.
Is your vantage point located in Florida? Just asking because it’s easy to judge from afar.
I don’t see any “alternate paths to Dem rule in FL” either at the moment. That’s because Republican oligarchs have gone all-in on attracting angry MAGA retirees from the Midwest and driving out the young with reactionary social policies and by dismantling the education system.
That said, there’s some evidence that a backlash against Republican rule is growing. Recent special elections included a couple of flips that blindsided the GOP. DeSantis’s national flame-out, the homeowners insurance crisis, book-banning sprees, the coming abortion ban, FL GOP scandals, etc., might get some folks off the sidelines at last.
Your point that Florida voters will have to solve the problem isn’t wrong. It’s the “look, we have to stop being concerned about FL” I objected to. Lots of us are working our butts off to change things, and it hurts to be disregarded like that.
all natural persons “are equal before the law and have inalienable rights, among which are the right to enjoy and defend life and liberty, to pursue happiness, to be rewarded for industry, and to acquire, possess and protect property.”
If they were to apply this to the unborn, it seems like every prospective mother would have to be imprisoned. In what way are they permitting their zygote/embryo/fetus the ability to be rewarded for working or to acquire and protect property? They’ve got them locked away in a dark, amniotic prison for some 9 months with no opportunity to own anything.
Though while we’re on the subject, how does locking up and confiscating property of felons square with the text quoted above? The rights don’t seem to be inalienable if the can be conditionally rescinded/denied.
It’s a good job all those making these arguments believe in the same buff space granddad and are therefore above the law. Claiming imaginary things, indoctrinating children and taking over the government. All with untraceable, untaxable cash.
It will be unsafe to drive coast to coast off-Interstate for a generation. I believe that. Anybody looking too educated should take the train.
I don’t live in Florida but have friends and family that do.
One friend in particular has lived in south FL since moving from PR more than two decades ago. He’s selling out NOW before the property values crash. With all the open carry there, he doesn’t feel safe at all. He doesn’t see a way out of the morass that FL politics and culture has devolved to.
Some of my friends have retired there from PA, others from CT. They all seem a little uneasy with the direction of the State. Both Texas and Florida seem to be the mecca for MAGA retirees.
I can only hope the State comes to its senses, but it’s taken decades to move Texas to purple (h/t @txlawyer and others) but FL is way behind the power curve on this.