FL Teens Now Have Higher COVID Positivity Rate Than Other Age Groups In The State Amid DeSantis’ Mask War

It’s sad the same way a decision to have a pet euthanized is sad. But it can alleviate a lot of suffering all around.


I can only conclude that some folks demand to be stupid. My father, when I was a kid, got to talking about the Constitution and the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech. He held the view that we had the Constitutionally protected right to be stupid.but that it isn’t a great idea to be deliberately in that condition.


Well, well, well. Heck of a job, DeBozo.

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As I recall, early on that was Wunderkind Jared’s thinking.


I suspect there are many influential restaurant and bar owners and various other narrow-minded business interests who really don’t care whether their customers or employees live or die, as long as they can keep selling beer.


So now De Santis wants push school boards to become the new “death panels”?


It’s not gonna play well at all among educated white suburbanites. That used to be a core Republican voter demo, but it’s rapidly changing. Know-nothingism doesn’t really play well with most people who’ve earned college degrees.

It makes abundant sense when your core primary voters are members of a death cult who would absolutely, positively vote for Allan West if you so much as suggest that coughing into each other’s faces isn’t really the best idea. Abbott and DeSantis are both wagering that being objectively pro-COVID will help get them the win in the primary, and that their states are both Republican enough to carry them over the line in the general. It’s not a bad wager.


My mom was an elected school board member on two boards (the local elementary school district board and the larger local high school district board) concurrently in the 1970s and 1980s and received a small salary from the high school district but not the elementary school district. The reason was that service on the high school board was more time consuming and a salary would compensate that time commitment.


The assumption being the virus can distinguish one’s political leanings??
It’s only a strand of mRNA inside a protein coat with spikes and the whole wrapped in a bit of fat. it doesn’t have a brain, or eyes, or limbs. All it can do is make copies of itself.

Wunderkind’s thinking has backfired due to the right wing’s embrace of stupidity,


ages 12 to 19 are leading other age groups in Florida in the rate at which they test positive for COVID-19

Nobody tell a certain florida congresscritter.


You’re surely right. I expect the observational bias noise is far larger than the signal. I can’t imagine test positivity rate tells us much.

It’s frustrating to see numbers like this reported like they signify something significant and easy to understand. People who understand controlled studies greatly overestimate the extent to which everyone else can process this kind of information.


Jared was not known as a serious thinker.


And then in the 2024 Prez run tell voters again and again and again they were always for taking COVID seriously, and did everything possible to protect their citizens. Remember? Sure you do. And count on 20% of those educated suburbanites saying “Yeah, I do remember it, you were a great Guv, I bet you’d make a great Prez”


Were I and my family inhabitants of Florida or Texas I would seriously consider moving. Unless a hermit’s existence is possible.


It’s completely irrational to me.
Not to mention that it is painfully obvious that neither give a fuck about the health and ability to get to the polls of citizens of their two states. They’ve spread covid which will cause many to be unable to vote considering they’re against health measures. And they’ve made voting much harder to do. Seems like a perfect storm of stupidity to me.
edit to add…
It may be an interesting aside to watch poll numbers. How many voted in 2020 and how many in 2022. It could be an indirect measure of the toll covid has taken.


That’s the stuff they’ll admit to.

The bigger, realer reason is that they’ve each gotten 100s of thousands from Regeneron founder.

They’re being bribed to sicken people to drive up Regeneron stock prices.


Yes, but Trump also won because he was not a politician and was going to remove the politicians from the DC swamp. Abbott and DeSantis are politicians. It’s not clear that this portion of Trump’s base will just roll over and vote for a politician just because Trump endorses them.


Pediatric hospitalizations have increased with the Delta variant but that’s not as big an issue as the increase in vectors. These kids can infect parents, grandparents, teachers, bus drivers etc.
These kids don’t live separate from the rest of us.


Nope. That’s not even remotely their path to the nomination. It will be free-dumb all the way to November 2024, relying on the general electorate’s inability to give a shit about a plague that killed a million or more people.

Gentle reminder: Trump got 74 million votes last year. He is literally the most successful Republican candidate in American history, and by a wide margin. They have drunk the MAGA kool-aid and pronounced it to be the finest vintage ever.


The faithful don’t need a list. The FDA is part of the government and their patron saint assured them “Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.” It’s etched into a tablet is on permanent display in Simi Valley, CA.