Two Americans have been arrested and eight armed men were killed as a result of a failed coup attempt, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro claimed Tuesday.
This should all be very much understood as an indictator of just how “ready” the same types of brazen assholes think they are in this country to pull the same sorts of stunts. If you think some former military obsessive with a shaved head and pussymouth goatee and an average IQ isnt leading his “militia” buddies in planning the same sort of “storm the Bastille” bullshit on some city hall or state house right now, then you’re not paying attention. And the difference is that we can no longer trust our Intel and law enforcement agencies to stop them.
“They knew about this and were waiting to massacre them,” Guaidó said during a remote session of the Venezuelan national assembly. “Nicolás Maduro, you are responsible. The regime knew about that operation, you infiltrated it and waited to massacre them.”
I have always though that Guaido was a lightweight. I was wrong he is a totally inept clown. That is the reason Maduro, allowed out of jail. People see him and prefer to stick with Maduro. Whoever in the US that has called for support of this idiot is totally clueless.
George W Bush also had an attempted coup operation that failed miserably. They had Hugo Chavez up in an American military plane while their operatives took over the Presidential Palace. Unfortunately for them, Chavez Palace had enough secret passageways to hide his security forces out of site. Once US State dept. employees were inside the Palace, the Chavez security forces jumped out and arrested the lot of them. The military plane was thus forced to land back in Venezuela instead of heading for Miami with Chavez. Chavez deported the entire crew.
From the sound of it, the planning, resourcing, and realistic appraisal of chances for success here make the Bay of Pigs look like Operation Overlord by comparison.