The confirmation hearing for Merrick Garland — the moderate, well-liked federal appellate judge who was infamously denied a Supreme Court seat by Senate Republicans — did not exactly provide the kind of contentious, partisan fodder that accompanied past attorney general nominations. But that doesn’t mean Democrats and Republicans passed up an opportunity to use the proceedings to take swipes at department conduct during previous administrations.
At least this time Judge Garland got a hearing as opposed to being rudely ignored last time around when nominated to the High Court by Obama.
I’m lookin’ at you Mitch.
Another reason I’m an atheist is that Cornyn and Cruz can make such a ridiculous case against what they were actively trying to do with the Barr DOJ without being smited or struck by lightning. Just saying.
It will be so refreshing to have a ‘normal’ attorney general. I previously would not have thought that the Department of Justice could be politicized in the way that it was the last four years. I guess I was naïve…
The Repubs must really think the American people are stupid by their bringing up their “concern” about the politicization of the DOJ. It is damned mind boggling.
Sens. Hawley and Ted Cruz (R-TX) claimed that it was actually Democrats who politicized the department under the “Obama-Biden” administration, and expressed their eyebrow-raising hope that Garland would right the wrongs committed then.
Shoulda said “I promise to look into past attempts to politicize the DoJ and vow to bring anyone who has acted inappropriately to justice and right any wrongs perpetrated by them.”