First, She Stormed A State Capitol With Ammon Bundy. Then, She Stormed Congress, Feds Say. | Talking Points Memo

First, she stormed the Idaho state capitol. Then, she stormed the U.S. Congress.

That’s according to an FBI agent’s affidavit in support of charges against Pam Hemphill, a member of the anti-government activist Ammon Bundy’s “People’s Rights” network who was arrested on Tuesday.

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Investigators will probably find quite a few more Jan 6 insurrectionists got practice at the preceding state capitol sieges (Idaho, Michigan, Oregon, etc.).


Toss the bitch in jail and throw away the key.


I feel sorry for people like her. She is a repeat offender in my way of thinking. As was reported in:

A federal judge in Washington, D.C. refuted the idea that a defendant was acting as a “patriot” when he stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6.

“You called yourself and everyone else patriots, but that’s not patriotism,” Judge Amy Berman Jackson said to Karl Dresch, according to CNN.

“Patriotism is loyalty to country, loyalty to the Constitution, not loyalty to a head of state. That is the tyranny we rejected on July 4,” she continued.

A lesson in civics from a federal judge that supersedes that encouraged by Trump and his administration. They were/are responsible for what happened. With the release of the draft letter asking the DOJ to step in, it was far more serious that I originally thought. All of this needs to be thoroughly discussed and investigated by the House Jan 6th Insurrection Committee. All of it, with names, dates and evidence.


Hemphill now faces four misdemeanor charges, including violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. She is scheduled to appear in court Thursday afternoon.

Why is this person not facing felony charges?


its a WAR

So, I have a right and duty to shoot these people on sight?


She deserves jail time. But, she’ll probably plead to one misdemeanor and get off with probation and a fine like the others.


No idea what to say, really. I am halfway through Chernow’s “Grant” & I’m relieved to learn two things, so far: the country was more divided in the late 1800’s and the South payed a real & painful price for their treason. If Biden could only channel his inner Grant, Sherman, & Lincoln combined we may actually be able to salvage our democracy before it’s too late.


Wtf is that thing…semiautomatic shotgun?


Can we please be alerted when she storms the interior of a prison cell? Thanks…


But does she have to give up that gun?


It looks like a toy. Did they use those in Star Wars?


This is all a game to these idiots.I hope some day it gets real, and it probably will.


There are areas in our land where The Stupid ™ is quite strong. All we can tell normal people who live there: Resist!


In a Facebook post on Dec. 28, for example, she allegedly wrote, “It’s not going to be a FUN Trump Rally that is planned for January 6th, its a WAR!”

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.



I’d like to start getting a little more background on these folks. Like what’s her occupation? How can she, and others afford to go over half way across the country to go to a political rally.
And one of the biggest things I’m getting from these dopes is that they don’t know, or understand history. She talks about if a million or more people show up then the government will bow down before them. Well honey MLK’s I Have a Dream Speech was given on 8/28/1963 with a quarter of million people in attendance, and when did the Civil Rights Act Pass? Or how about more recently with the Women’s March on DC in March of 2017? Even though less than half a million showed up in DC over 5 million people participated across the US.
And the Stop the Steal Rally got a couple of thousands to attend, like over ten thousand, but less than twenty thousand. I know that I’m mathematically challenged, but even I can tell the difference between 20,000 (charitable) and 250,000, or even 500,000 women in pink hats.


White ISIS member and proud of it. America, respond accordingly.


If sentenced like the others, fine her $25, time served, and self-probation. /s

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Perhaps if her name were “Pothill”, she’d still be lounging on her couch, noshing some snacks and watching The Price is Right, but nooooo.


We already know she intends to do this again. She needs real jail time with the general population.