Fifth Conservative Anti-Vax Radio Host Dies Of COVID Within Six Weeks

Cool. Cool. How many more weeks until we are done?

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He sounds like a real ass. The world is a little better now that he’s gone.


I do not find this to be a “grim” pattern at all.


Some people write their own. Here’s some inspiration.


Taking no pleasure in this, but this might be tragic irony’s moment in the sun:

“Fifth Conservative Anti-Vax Radio Host Dies Of COVID Within Six Weeks”

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Around my place it is called “went home to be with jesus”, and they are all “good family men who would give you the shirt off their backs”…like they did not have a string of drunk driving convictions and a few domestic incidents.


Very few people could have their lives summed up in a couple of paragraphs. It’s always a mix of good and bad.


A lot of opportunities out there for young, up-and-coming broadcasters.

Amen, that was their training from Brain Cancer Rotter Atwater. Talk fast and don’t give anyone a chance to latch on to your drivel and refute it.

Can’t croak fast enough for me. Too bad for their families, but they lived with these murderers and did nothing. Sorry for their kids.

good riddance.

The low rent, radio analogue to Mystery Science Theater.


Awesome examples! Thanks!


The radio host, who is also a pastor


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Chevy Chase, SNL, a very long time ago. My favorite SNL quote after “Jane, you ignorant slut. Who did you sleep with to get this job?!”

Strange how that works, sometimes.
Family tradition was Xmas breakfast at my aunt’s. My parents were unexpectedly late(they lived a literal mile away) and when they arrived to join the rest of the family, they told us grandma(95, with dementia) had passed around 5AM. All her kids, grand-kids and great-grands were in the living room to get the news and we drank a toast around 9:45 am.


Nice way to see her off.

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It really was. We went through a lot.more apricot brandy that day than usual. (It was her breakfast digestif)


You’d think it would be obvious that people who are supposed to save your life won’t endanger it. Last time I ate out I didn’t think to ask if there was poison in the food. Then again, POC who call cops to report a situation are always afraid that they’ll end up getting shot, beaten up or arrested instead. Now everyone gets to experience this. Thanks, Covid?


She did the research, but she didn’t do the math.

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